Quest:A Murder in Trestlebridge

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A Murder in Trestlebridge
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Aran Greenwith
Starts at Trestlebridge Gate (West)
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [17.7S, 54.4W]
Quest Group Wildwood: Woodcutter's Brotherhood
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>, I bear grave news. A guardsmen has been killed in Trestlebridge. There are rumours in the air implicating a Woodcutter's Brotherhood member in an altercation with the deceased. You know as well as I that these are outrageous accusations. Someone must be spreading lies.

'Nellie Boskins has asked for you to investigate this matter since you are both respected by the Woodcutter's Brotherhood and well liked by the community of Trestlebridge for your past heroics. Speak with Nellie Boskins as soon as you are able and please clear our name of any wrongdoing.'


The Woodcutter's Brotherhood has learned of a horrid crime committed in Trestlebridge.

Objective 1

Nellie Boskins is in Trestlebridge.

You should talk to Nellie Boskins about the altercation.

Nellie Boskins: 'I called upon you because you helped us to defend Trestlebridge. You are an impartial outsider that we all trust. I do not know who is to blame here. All I know is that I have a dead guardsman in Trestlebridge and no one saw who murdered him. That is correct, <name>. I am very certain it was murder.
'I would like you to investigate the murder and return with whomever is responsible. The longer this murder goes unsolved, the more distrust will be sewn throughout the townsfolk of Trestlebridge.'

Objective 2

  • Find the scene of the altercation

The place of the altercation can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should find the scene of the altercation.

Now to find out what happened here

Objective 3

  • Investigate the scene of the altercation (0/4)

The place of the altercation can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should investigate the scene of the altercation.

[Slain Villager]: The guard is dead, and was stabbed in the stomach by the look of it
[Coin]: This Woodcutter's Brotherhood coin did not belong to the guard, who was not a member
[Ripped Cloak]: This ripped cloth appears to be part of a cloak
[Blood]: There is a faint trail of blood leading away from the scene of the altercation

Objective 4

  • Follow the faint trail of blood

The start of the faint trail of blood can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should follow the trail and find out where it leads.

The trail continues downhill and away from Trestlebridge
The trail ends at a small shed

Objective 5

  • Investigate the scene around the small shed (0/2)

The small shed can be found by the river, near Trestlebridge.

You should investigate the scene around the small shed.

[Knife]: Blood has dried on this knife, which matches the wound on the guard's body
[Shed]: The shed is currently empty, and the door looks to have been forced open

Objective 6

  • Continue searching the area for additional evidence (0/2)

The small shed can be found by the river, near Trestlebridge.

You should search nearby for more evidence.

[Rope]: This torn rope must have tethered a boat here, for a time
[Torn Sash]: This sash looks to have belonged to a brigand at one point

Objective 7

  • Search the Wildwood for the murder suspect

Whoever murdered the guard must have gone down-stream on a small boat.

You should search down-stream in the Wildwood for the murder suspect.

You find a brigand, wet and out of breath, near the river

Objective 8

The potential murder suspect can be found in the northern part of the Wildwood.

You should confront the murder suspect.

Weary Brigand: 'Not another step! Stay, stay back! Do you hear me?! I'll cut you up real good if you come any closer! Now leave me be!'

Objective 9

  • Lock up the murderer in the pillory at Trestlebridge

You should return to Trestlebridge and lock up the brigand in the pillory.

With the murderer caught, this should clear the Woodcutter's Brotherhood of any wrongdoing

Objective 10

  • 'Talk to the weary brigand in Trestlebridge

The weary brigand can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should talk to the weary brigand.

Weary Brigand: 'No sense hiding it now that I'm caught. Yes, I killed the guard. Got paid well for it too. Then I had to flee on my boat when you started to sniff around my hiding spot. I weren't prepared for those river rapids though! That there was my downfall.
'I should have never listened to that Orc and taken the job! What?! I don't know which Orc! We weren't chums! He didn't give me a name! Now leave me be! You already caused me enough hurt for one day!'
With a confession, you have cleared the Woodcutter's Brotherhood of wrongdoing

Objective 11

Aran Greenwith can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should talk to Aran Greenwith.

Aran Greenwith: 'Thank you, <name>, for clearing the names of all those who associate themselves with the Woodcutter's Brotherhood. We have you to thank for keeping the Trestlebridge townsfolk working together as we rebuild and improve our daily lives. Nellie Boskins was grateful to see the murderer brought to justice so swiftly.
'Now that you have returned, you should have a look at how the reconstruction efforts are coming along. Giles Chadwick and others have been working very hard to rebuild the town.'

Objective 12

  • Survey the reconstruction of Trestlebridge

Reconstruction work continues in Trestlebridge.

You should survey the reconstruction of Trestlebridge.

More of Trestlebridge has been rebuilt!

Objective 13

  • Talk to Aran Greenwith

Aran Greenwith can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should talk to Aran Greenwith.

Aran Greenwith: 'I am worried still about what the Brigand confessed to you. We now know that an Orc is commanding an organized effort to destroy Trestlebridge, both from outside and within. We must find this Orc soon, for the sake of everyone in the town. Until then, I hope that we are able to continue to thwart the enemy's plans.'