Quest:A Gift of Gold

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A Gift of Gold
Level 63
Type Solo
Starts with Nífdir
Starts at The Drownholt
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [18.3S, 57.4W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I can think of one small gesture that might do some good. The mallorn trees of Lothlórien, thriving under the power of Galadriel and the care of the Galadhrim, inspire all who harbour love for the wilderness. The mallorns will resist stain as long as the Elves are here to tend them.

'I want you to go to my friend Menassiel in Lothlórien, at Cerin Amroth. Surely her heart will be moved by your tale, as mine is. I would like to plant a mallorn sapling here, in this glade. It will give hope to the Huorns. I do not think it will fully quell their wrath, but it has been long since they have seen any light. They deserve a glimmer of hope, for someday the shadows of Dol Guldur will trouble this place no more.

'Go to Menassiel now, <name>, and see if she will help you.'


The Elf Nífdir is moved by the unhappy state of the Mirk-huorns and the tale of their slow loss of hope. He wishes to do something to alleviate their sadness and despair.

Objective 1

Menassiel can be found at Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien.

You should speak with Menassiel and see if she will gift the Huorns of Mirkwood with a young mallorn, a light to dispel the shadows upon their wretched existence.

Menassiel: 'You indeed tell a sad story, <name>. Thank you for offering to return to that dangerous place for so generous a deed. Not many outsiders love the trees as much as we Galadhrim do.
'I only hope I do not send this child to its death in that forsaken swamp. Please see that it is cared for, if you pass it by. It has some power to spread its light and dispel the cruel corruptions of Mirkwood, but...nay, I will trust to hope. The power of Galadriel is in the very sap of this young one.
'Return to the glade if you dare, <name>, and plant this seed. See that none disturb it.'

Objective 2

  • Bring the mallorn sapling to Nífdir

Nífdir is at his camp in the Drownholt, west of the Malledhrim outpost of Estolad Mernael.

You should return to Nífdir to show him the seedling donated by Menassiel.

Nífdir: 'You have returned! I am glad. Let me see what Menassiel has given us.'