Marring of Arda

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The Marring of Arda is the description of the damage caused to the world by the evil of Morgoth in the First War with the Valar, and stretches on to later damage he caused on Valinor.

A well-known example of the marring are the corruption of the Spring of Arda, spreading his evil and hatred from his fortress of Utumno. Plagues and disease he caused, and poison and toxins in the natural world. Choking weeds, sickly rats and biting flies were caused by Morgoth's taint, and he thus he brought about the end of the Spring of Arda.

Another infamous example of the marring is the destruction of the Two Lamps, and later, the Two Trees of Valinor. This last event is still remembered by the Noldor of the Third Age, and is cause for much of the Elves' sadness.