Mûkh Bahora, the Mouth of Forgetting (Crocodile)

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Mûkh Bahora, the Mouth of Forgetting (Crocodile)
Level: 150
Instance: Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting

Type: Arch-nemesis
Genus: Dragon-kind
Species: Worm

Morale: Variable
Power: Variable
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Unknown
F.M. Immune: Unknown
Stun/Mez Imm.: Unknown
Root Immune: Unknown
Cry: Unknown
Song: Unknown
Tactical: Unknown
Physical: Unknown
Common: Unknown AncientDwarf: Unknown
Fire: Unknown Beleriand: Unknown
Light: Unknown Westernesse: Unknown
Shadow: Unknown Frost: Unknown
Lightning: Unknown

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( )  


Mûkh Bahora, the Mouth of Forgetting is the second boss in the 6-Man Instance Tûl Zakana, the Well of Forgetting in Imhûlar.


Permanent Effects:

 Enhancement -- Solo/Duo in Solo/Duo.
 Enhancement -- Tier 1 in Tier 1.
 Enhancement -- Tier 2 in Tier 2.
 Enhancement -- Tier 3 in Tier 3.
 Permanent State Immunity
 Protection from Slows
 Uncommon Fortitude


This is the first of four visions as part of the boss encounter. The vision ends when the boss reaches 85% Morale.

Summoned Enemies:
Wave every 45 seconds:

1 Ambarûli Crocodile Shade, 1 Giant Ambarûli Crocodile, 1 Ambarûli Crocodile, 2 Ambarûli Crocodile Hatchlings

Non-Removable Effects:

 Savage Bite


 Blessing of the Ural
Applied tier depends on the instance difficulty

Quest Involvement