High-protector's Armour (Item Level 50)

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This level 50 Guardian armour set is acquired by bartering Marks and Medallions or alternatively Writs of Helegrod. This set is available at different levels:


Barterer: Hope Redfern (Guardian Trader on 2nd floor of the Last Homely House in Rivendell)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 High-protector's Gloves 200 Marks 75 Medallions
 High-protector's Boots 200 Marks 75 Medallions
 High-protector's Leggings 300 Marks 125 Medallions
 High-protector's Breastplate 350 Marks 150 Medallions
 High-protector's Shoulders 250 Marks 100 Medallions
 High-protector's Helm 250 Marks 100 Medallions
 High-protector's Gloves  Writ of Helegrod
 High-protector's Boots  Writ of Helegrod
 High-protector's Leggings  Writ of Helegrod
 High-protector's Breastplate  Writ of Helegrod
 High-protector's Shoulders  Writ of Helegrod
 High-protector's Helm  Writ of Helegrod


High-protector's Helm
High-protector's Shoulders
High-protector's Breastplate
High-protector's Gloves
High-protector's Leggings
High-protector's Boots

Total Stats

Including set bonuses

Stat Total
Armour 695​
Might +109​
Agility +36​
Will +7​
Vitality +75​
Fate +32​
Resistance Rating +144​
Incoming Healing Rating +108​
Maximum Morale +65​
Maximum Power +7​
In-Combat Morale Regen +1.8


Same appearance as: