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Image of Hadoriel
Role Skirmish Trainer
Gender Female
Race Elf
Region Ered Luin
Area Falathlorn Homesteads
Map Ref [25.5S, 90.8W]


Hadoriel is a Skirmish Trainer who provides her services to the Falathlorn Homesteads.
She may be found studying warfare lore. [25.9S, 90.8W]


Skirmish Field Manual - Traits excerpt: Attribute traits come in two types: Role traits and cosmetic traits. The Role trait determines the fundamental role your soldier will be filling. You may only equip one Role trait, and it will dictate some of your later trait choices. The Role trait will change your Soldiers armours and weapons, as well as their basic abilities. For instance, the Archer role has medium armour and does good ranged damage, while the Protector has heavy armour and low damage, but draws aggro well. The cosmetic traits allow you to choose the hair colour, hair style, clothing and even race of your Soldier.

Here are the different roles available from the Skirmish Trainer:

Role Armour Damage Special Design
 Role: Archer Medium High Ranged Increased Critical Rating Single Target DPS
 Role: Bannerguard Heavy Medium Melee Armour Aura Variety of Buffing, Healing & Tanking
 Role: Herbalist Light None Healing Skill, Healing Aura Morale & Power Restoration
Does not fight.
 Role: Protector Heavy Low Melee Increased Threat, Increase Armour Tanking
 Role: Sage Light High Tactical Finesse Rating AoE DPS, Debuffing & CC
 Role: Warrior Medium High Melee Bypass Armour AoE DPS, Debuffing & Off-Tanking

For cosmetic traits, see the NPC bartering Cosmetics in any Skirmish Camp.


Skirmish Field Manual - Traits excerpt: Each Skill trait you slot will give your Soldier a new skill that he will use in combat. Each Skill trait is tied to a specific Role, as listed in the trait.

Archer Skills

An Archer may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Deadly Shot +x High Damage 30
 Distracting Shot +x Medium Damage
Medium Detaunt
 Pinpoint Shot +x Medium Damage
+x Critical Rating
 Refocus +x Power 30
 Marking Arrow +x Low Damage
Debuff Increased Ranged Damage
Archer Skill: Marking Arrow
 Ultimate: Bold Arrow +x Critical Rating
+x% Critical Damage
Archer Ultimate: Bold Arrow
 Wounding Arrow +x Low Damage &
-x Medium Damage over Time
Archer Skill: Wounding Arrow
 Ultimate: Wound-seeker +x Medium Damage
-x Ultimate Damage over Time
Archer Ultimate: Wound-seeker

Bannerguard Skills

A Bannerguard may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Cry of the Enduring +x Armour Buff to Ally 30
 Inspiring Shout +x Healing over Time 30
 Potent Strike +x High Damage 30
 Summon the Foe Medium AoE Threat per Rank 30
 Bold Strike +x Medium Damage
Medium Threat
Bannerguard Skill: Bold Strike
 Ultimate: Banner of Precision +x Banner of Precision
Buff Offensive Aura
Bannerguard Ultimate: Banner of Precision
 Inspired Retaliation -x Reflected Damage Buff to Ally 55
Bannerguard Skill: Inspired Retaliation
 Ultimate: Banner of Protection +x Banner of Protection
Buff Defensive Aura
Bannerguard Ultimate: Banner of Protection

Herbalist Skills

An Herbalist may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Nature's Cure +x Medium Healing over Time 30
 Nature's Power +x Power over Time 30
 Refreshing Herbs +x Medium Healing 30
 Strengthening Draught +x Defence Increase 30
 Salve of Resolve +x Low Healing
+x Avoidance Increase
Herbalist Skill: Salve of Resolve
 Ultimate: Words of Healing +x Ultimate Healing over Time 50
Herbalist Ultimate: Words of Healing
 Herbs of Boundless Endurance +x High Healing over Time
Buff Incoming Healing
Herbalist Skill: Herbs of Boundless Endurance
 Ultimate: Words of Power +x Ultimate Power over Time 60
Herbalist Ultimate: Words of Power

Protector Skills

A Protector may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Taunting Strike +x Low Damage
High Threat per Rank
 Threatening Riposte Buff Reactive Threat per Rank on foes that strike soldier 30
 Threatening Shout High Threat Area per Rank 30
 Whirl of Fury +x Low Area Damage
Low Threat Area per Rank
 Self-reliance +x Medium Healing 45
Protector Skill: Self-reliance
 Ultimate: Defender of All Low Threat Area per Rank 50
Protector Ultimate: Defender of All
 Defender's Strike +x High Damage 55
Protector Skill: Defender's Strike
 Ultimate: Solitary Defender Ultimate Threat 60
Protector Ultimate: Solitary Defender

Sage Skills

A Sage may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Chilling Winds +x Low Area Damage
Debuff Attack Duration
 Oil of the Dragon's Rage +x Medium Area Damage 30
 Tanglefoot +x Medium Damage
Debuff Root
 Weakening Draught -x Resistance Reduction (Debuff) 30
 Word of Battle +x High Damage 45
Sage Skill: Word of Battle
 Ultimate: Word of Flame +x Ultimate Damage 50
Sage Ultimate: Word of Flame
 Fire of the Wise +x Low Damage
Debuff Damage
Sage Skill: Fire of the Wise
 Ultimate: Word of Frost +x Medium Damage
Debuff Attack Duration
Sage Ultimate: Word of Frost

Warrior Skills

A Warrior may earn the following skills:

Skill Description Level to Trait Instructions to get from a Skirmish Captain
 Carving Strike +x Low Damage
-x Medium Damage over Time
 Forceful Strike +x High Damage 30
 Quick Sweep +x Low Area Damage 30
 Strong Sweep +x Medium Area Damage 30
 Whirling Wounds +x Low Area Damage
-x Armour Debuff
Warrior Skill: Whirling Wounds
 Ultimate: Berserker Buff Penetrate Armour
-x Berserk
-x% Attack Duration
Warrior Ultimate: Berserker
 Disarming Strikes +x Low Area Damage
-x Block, Parry and Evade Debuff
Warrior Skill: Disarming Strikes
 Ultimate: Blood-seeker +x Low Area Damage
-x Ultimate Damage over Time
Warrior Ultimate: Blood-seeker


Skirmish Field Manual - Traits excerpt: Training traits will increase various passive abilities of your soldier, like critical rating or morale. Most of these traits can be paired will all soldier Roles, but some are more restrictive than others.

The following training traits are available to certain roles:

Training Description Role: Archer Role: Bannerguard Role: Herbalist Role: Protector Role: Sage Role: Warrior
 Light Armour Training +x Armour Value
 Medium Armour Training +x Armour Value
 Heavy Armour Training +x Armour Value
 Physical Potency +x Physical Mastery Rating
 Tactical Potency +x Tactical Mastery Rating
 Shield Training +x Block Rating

The following training traits are available to all roles:

Training Description
 Armour Penetration -x Penetrate Armour
 Battle-field Finesse +x Finesse Rating
 Boundless Morale +x Maximum Morale
 Boundless Power +x Maximum Power
 Boundless Resolve +x Maximum Morale
+x Maximum Power
 Defensive Training +x Block Rating
+x Parry Rating
+x Evade Rating
 Evasion Training +x Evade Rating
 Physical Resilience +x Physical Mitigation
 Parry Training +x Parry Rating
 Practised Critical +x Critical Rating
 Resilient Body +x Incoming Healing Rating
 Resurgent Morale +x in-Combat Morale Regen
 Resurgent Power +x in-Combat Power Regen
 Strength of Resolve +x Resistance Rating
 Tactical Resilience +x Tactical Mitigation


Skirmish Field Manual - Traits excerpt: These traits represent the extra inspiration and drive you can tap into while leading your Soldier in a Skirmish. They are mostly passive bonuses like Training, and will ONLY function while inside a Skirmish.

Personal Description
 Armoured Assault +x Armour Value
 Battle-master +x Critical Rating
 Defender's Bane +x Finesse Rating
 Defensive Warfare +x Block Rating
+x Parry Rating
+x Evade Rating
 Duck Aside +x Evade Rating
 Fancy Footwork +x Physical Mitigation
 Invigoration +x Incoming Healing Rating
 Lead the Way +x Physical Mastery Rating
 Piercing Might -x Penetrate Armour
 Swift Parry +x Parry Rating
 Strong of Will +x Tactical Mitigation
 Strong Block +x Block Rating
 Strong Resistances +x Resistance Rating
 Tactical Artistry +x Tactical Mastery Rating