An agent of Saruman, Gríma Wormtongue, son of Gálmód, was the advisor to Théoden, king of Rohan, immediately prior to the Battle of Helm's Deep. With the King greatly distraught and weakened by his advisor's influence, Gríma consolidated his power throughout the kingdom, weakening it's defenses, banishing and imprisoning many of the King's loyal subjects, and plotting with multiple agents throughout the Riddermark. Only the coming of unexpected allies would break Gríma's hold over Rohan.
Seeds of Doubt
Quest Involvement
In the movie The Return of the King, Grima is shot after he stabbed Saruman in Orthanc. However, in the books, Grima and Saruman instead went on with the scouring of the Shire, where he later slashed Saruman's throat. When Grima tries to escape he was shot by the Hobbits present. It should be noted that Lotro closely follows the books.