Quest:A Grím Encounter

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A Grím Encounter
Level 92
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Madh-fushaum
Start Region Stonedeans
Map Ref [54.7S, 78.9W]
Ends with Gríma Wormtongue
End Region Stonedeans
Map Ref [56.1S, 75.9W]
Quest Group Stonedeans
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have encountered Gríma Wormtongue on the plains just north of Edoras, and he appears to be travelling west towards Isengard with a host of Orc bodyguards. You should deal with the bodyguards and confront Gríma.


After he was banished from Edoras, it appears that Gríma Wormtongue went north of the road to Isengard. He is either avoiding the road, has business to attend to elsewhere, or both.

Objective 1

You have encountered Gríma Wormtongue on the plains just north of Edoras, and he appears to be travelling west towards Isengard with a host of Orc bodyguards. You should deal with the bodyguards and confront Gríma.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gríma Wormtongue

Gríma would like to have a word with you after you defeated his bodyguards.

Gríma: 'Well, are you not an annoying little <race>? More like a maggot crawling in the carcass of this once great land. It is certain that you will die here...if not by my hand, then perhaps by your best friend's? A wise tongue can be stronger than the arms you bear....'
'I have need of more Orcs, since you killed mine! Should you find me again, you will not be so fortunate.'