Gredlan Mugwort

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Gredlan Mugwort
Image of Gredlan Mugwort
Title Curious Novelties
Gender Male
Race Hobbit
Region Bree-land
Settlement Bree
Landmark Market Square
Map Ref [30.4S, 51.2W]


Gredland Mugwort is, during Spring Festivals, found at the west side of the Market Square in Bree. During the festival he barters flower gifts boxes for flowers.


Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Spring Lissuin Halter 80 Violets 80 Marigolds 80 Primroses
 Spring Lissuin Saddle 80 Violets 80 Marigolds 80 Primroses
 Steed of the Jester 100 Violets 100 Marigolds 100 Primroses
 Blue Flower Gift Box 6 Violets 6 Marigolds 6 Primroses
 Green Flower Gift Box 6 Violets 6 Marigolds 6 Primroses
 Red Flower Gift Box 6 Violets 6 Marigolds 6 Primroses