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Erestor (Rivendell)

Image of Erestor
Gender Male
Race Elf
Region Trollshaws
Area Rivendell
Interior The Haven of Orladion
Map Ref [28.9S, 3.7W]

Erestor is found at the Haven of Orladion, in the north-east of Rivendell. He also appears within the Last Homely House during a quest instance.

Quest Involvement

Erestor (Midsummer)

Image of Erestor
Gender Male
Race Elf
Region Anórien (After Battle)
Settlement Minas Tirith (Midsummer)
Interior Merethrond - Banquet Hall
Map Ref [22.7N, 55.9W]

Erestor journeys south to Minas Tirith at Midsummer with much of the rest of Elrond's household for the wedding of Arwen. He can be found in the feast-hall of Merethrond after the wedding ceremony, seated beside Glorfindel with a number of other Elves of Rivendell.

Quest Involvement