Dâr Narbugud Fungus Investigation

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Deed Lore

The depths of Dâr Narbugud hold both new and long forgotten vestiges of life.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • Collect smelly, red mushroom
This mushroom smells of something foul.
  • Collect strange, blue mushroom
This mushroom has a faint glow to it that may prove to be useful.
  • Collect colourful mushroom
This mushroom has a beautiful colour to it.
  • Collect divergent mushroom
The surrounding rune-rocks seemed to have changed this mushroom. It seems as if it has thriven and grown substantially.
  • Collect inconsistent mushroom
There is something about this mushroom, but you cannot seem to figure it out.


   10 LOTRO Points
   <name>, Seeker of Toadstools
   Increased Reputation with Galadhrim ( 700 )

Additional Information