Dâr Narbugud/Guide: Crossroads

Trash Mobs
Upon leaving the room with Blagh and Rung you will proceed down a long winding corridor past the following groups of mobs:
- 3 Globsnaga Guards with 2 Globsnaga Goblins
- 1 Globsnaga Guard with 5 Globsnaga Skirmishers
- 2 Globsnaga Trolls with 2 Globsnaga Guards
The strange, blue mushroom for the deed Dâr Narbugud Fungus Investigation can be found in the downward passage leading to the crossroads.
The Crossroads
The room at the bottom of the ramp is a crossroads where the corridor splits into three different corridors, each leading to different bosses. Inside the room are the following mobs:
- 2 Snarling Overseers
- 4 Globsnaga Goblins
- 2 Lesser Fungal Fumaroles
The Snarling Overseers are particularly difficult to kill as they will debuff and silence characters nearby as well as transferring taken damage to other nearby mobs. They should be prioritized by DPS.
The Lesser Fungal Fumaroles will frequently spawn Fungal Spores which explode upon reaching a character applying a stacking Run Speed, Attack Duration, and Induction debuff. They should also be prioritized by DPS (best to bring the Snarling Overseers next to the Fumaroles and AOE them all down).
Once the mobs in the room are cleared, the three doorways out of the room will open and the raid can choose which boss they wish go to next based on the doorway chosen:
Doorway Colour | Position | Leads to |
Red | Left | Zholuga |
Purple | Center | The Blind One and The Mistress of Pestilence |
Green | Right | Flâgît and Îstum |
Most raids clear the left and right bosses first (Zholuga, Flâgît, and Istum), and then defeat The Blind One and The Mistress of Pestilence last. If the raid does not defeat these side bosses first, then The Blind One gains extra abilities which make the fight more difficult.