Category:Ethring Quests
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Ethring Quests
- [100] Bounty: Corsairs at the Fallen Beacon repeatable 3 times
- [100] Catch of the Day
- [100] The Examination
- [100] A Case of Fear
- [100] Bounty: White Mountain Orcs repeatable 3 times
- [100] Darkness over Ethring
- [100] Signs of Hope
- [100] The Waning Beacon
- [100] A Forest of Threads
- [100] A Commanding Knock
- [100] Defender of the Vale
- [100] Arvaethor's Patrol
- [100] Vale of Shadow
- [100] In Ethring's Defence
- [100] The Orkish Path
- [100] White Mountain Plague
- [100] Under the White Mountain
- [100] Bounty: Ruthless Dead repeatable 3 times
Requires completion of A Commanding Knock and Arvaethor's Patrol:
- [100] The Dead Descend
- [100] The Unnatural Pact
- [100] The Deep Dark
- [100] A Ruthless End
- [100] Instance: A Ruthless End
- [100] Conflict in Dor-en-Ernil vector to Linhir
Candúr, Laerind, and Arvaethor (requires A Ruthless End):
- If you have Acquaintance standing with Men of Ringló Vale or higher:
- [100] Orc Resurgence repeatable
- [100] Roving Corsairs repeatable
- [100] Roving Threat: Du-kalon, the Pitiless Dead repeatable
- [100] Roving Threat: Gundash, the White Mountain Menace repeatable
- [100] Roving Threat: Scythe-jaw, the Dread Spider repeatable
- [100] Warding the Dead repeatable
- If you have Friend standing with Men of Ringló Vale and have completed Sister of the Gilrain:
- [100] Epilogue: Restless Souls
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