Quest:The Waning Beacon

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The Waning Beacon
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Borhador
Starts at The Crossing-hall
Start Region Ringló Vale
Map Ref [72.2S, 49.5W]
Ends with Authest
Ends at Eilendoth
End Region Ringló Vale
Map Ref [73.6S, 51.1W]
Quest Group Ringló Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'When my son Dervorin answered the call in my stead, I promised to keep the beacon of Eilendoth burning bright in his absence. The beacon's light signifies my son's safe return. I fear the darkness that swept over the land is choking the beacon's flame. The air we breathe is growing stale. If the flame falls, surely we are next.

'The beacon has been slowly waning. I see it dim with each passing day. Will you tend to the beacon? I will be grateful if you are able to restore its light to the former brilliance I remember. I assure you, Ethring could use the light in this hour.'


Borhador asks for you to tend to the beacon of Eilendoth.

Objective 1

The beacon of Eilendoth is located south-west of Ethring in Ringló Vale.

You should climb the hill to the beacon.

The beacon's caretaker cowers from spiders that have infested the beacon

Objective 2

  • Defeat spiders at Eilendoth (0/4)

The beacon of Eilendoth is located south-west of Ethring in Ringló Vale.

Defeat spiders at Eilendoth.

Defeated spider at Eilendoth (4/4)

Objective 3

The beacon of Eilendoth is located south-west of Ethring in Ringló Vale.

You should speak with Authest, the caretaker at Eilendoth.

Authest: 'I thought my time had come! I have not seen such creatures of that size before!'