Brutes from the North

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Deed Lore

Defeat the Gertheryg within Annúminas.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat the Gertheryg within Annúminas. (40)


   5 LOTRO Points
   <name>, the Formidable
   Increased Reputation with The Wardens of Annúminas ( 500 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Brutes from the North
  2. Brutes from the North (Advanced)

Additional Information

Locations to find Gertheryg (Gorthorog Warrior):
  • From Tyl Annûn [15.6S, 69.4W], south over Ariant, and to the camp SE of the bridge. [18.0S, 69.1W]
    There are 17 Gertheryg along this route, with a fast respawn rate. Tyl Annun is inaccessible from the water. Start from the Angmarim and Dunedain areas in the main section of Annuminas.