Bounder's Bounty (Tier 1)

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Deed Lore

Hand in Bounder's Tokens to Meg Proudfoot in Michel Delving to unlock unique rewards!

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Complete 'Aiding in the Bounty' to unlock unique rewards (0/5)
You have helped the Bounders a small amount. Good job.


   5 LOTRO Points

Deed Chain Information

  1. Bounder's Bounty (Tier 1)
  2. Bounder's Bounty (Tier 2)
  3. Bounder's Bounty (Tier 3)

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 1.
  • Each Aiding the Bounty quest requires 50 Bounder's Tokens.
Therefore completion of this deed requires the turn-in of 250 Bounder's Tokens.
  • This deed is based on the Bounder's Bounty which will cease to exist with the launch of Helm's Deep.
  • Bounder's Tokens are accumulated account wide and may be used by any character on that account towards completion of the Aiding in the Bounty, however, the three deeds are awarded and must be completed on a character by character basis.