Blue-crag Goblin Tribe

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A Blue-crag Shielder.
The Chieftain of Orodost

The Blue-Crag is a tribe of fierce goblins that have swarmed the region of Ered Luin. They seem to have emerged from The Grey Havens, far south from Rath Teraig.

Encampments and Fortresses

  • Crookdell - The goblin headquarter, deep within Rath Teraig.
  • Amon Thanc - A fortified stronghold that is used as an overview of the dwarves.
  • Tum Agor - The small encampment where the goblins prepare for raids.
  • Clovenvale - An area spotted with small goblin encampments.
  • Dol Ringwest - A small ruin in Falathlorn, overrun by the Blue-crag.
  • Limael's Vineyard - Once a place where the Elves harvested wine-grapes, now just another place where the Blue-crag dwell.
  • Orodost - An old Dourhand city that the goblins claimed as their stronghold in the Vale of Thrain.


The true leader of the Blue-crag is the foul Dwarf Skorgrím Dourhand who mainly uses the goblins in attempt to crush the alliance between the dwarves and Elves of Ered Luin

There are three more lesser commanders in the tribe:

Blue-crag Members

Signature creature


The Dwarven forces has barricaded the northern gate of Rath Teraig and demolished the southern, thereby hindering more Blue-crags from entering Ered Luin. The only gate that the goblins control is the eastern entrance to Falathlorn. As always, dwarves and goblins fight as natural enemies and the goblin's plan is to storm the northern barricade and conquer Gondamon, and then Thorin's Hall.
  • Elves of Ered Luin
All the Elves are also foes to slay. But they are not considered to be a bigger threat than the dwarves.


  • The Dourhand Dwarves - The Blue-crag is rallied by Skorgrím Dourhand, thereby allies with his forces.