Ambient Environment (Cave)
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Ambient Environment (Cave) items are Decoration Items that change the outside atmosphere and weather of a character's house that is located in a cave such as in the Abodes of Erebor.
Doormat Items
Ambient Environment (Cave) Gallery
Dil-irmíz, the Berths
Ered Luin - Thorin's Halls Homesteads
Ered Mithrin - Glimmerdeep
Ered Mithrin - Steelkeep
Ered Mithrin - The Anvil
Gundabad - Clovergap
Gundabad - Deepscrave
Gundabad - Gloomingtarn
Gundabad - Mattugard
Gundabad - Pits of Stonejaws
Ilmabiri, the Wells
Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Khabârkhad, the Crypts
Moria (Ambient Environment)
Moria - Central Deeps
Moria - Central Levels
Moria - Durin's Gardens
Moria - Durin's Way
Moria - Eastern Deeps
Moria - Eastern Levels
Moria - Flaming Deeps
Moria - Shadowy Abyss
Moria - Western Deeps
Moria - Western Levels
Tâkhdar, the Cellars