A Guiding Star
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Deed Lore
- The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.
It is purported that A Guiding Star was penned by Círdan the Shipwright, Master of the Grey Havens, but this claim has often been disputed. It seems many readers insist that it is not written in the mode of the Elves—though curiously such criticisms have not often come from Elves—but much praise has been given to the included sketches and diagrams that attempt to map the stars of Middle-earth. Regardless of its true authorship, this book contains a wealth of knowledge about the positions of stars, constellations, and how they might be used as guides for navigation upon the Sea.
To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)
- A Guiding Star, Page 5
- On this page, Círdan begins to identify a number of prominent stars across the skies of Middle-earth, with their descriptions continuing for the next several pages.
- A Guiding Star, Page 9
- On this page, Círdan begins to describe the constellations, making note of how the various peoples of Middle-earth have identified them since the Second Age. One such constellation, known among the hobbits of the Shire as 'the Sickle' is revealed to have been given many names throughout the history of the world.
- A Guiding Star, Page 12
- On this page, Círdan continues his discussion of the various constellations of Middle-earth, describing the two known as Menelvagor and Remmirath in great detail.
- A Guiding Star, Page 18
- On this page, Círdan begins to list the stars and constellations of Middle-earth most often used for navigation by Mariners, noting for each in which seasons and lands they are most easily sighted.
- A Guiding Star, Page 24
- On this page, Círdan makes a brief reference to the stars that could be seen from the shores of Númenor, but notes that few outside of the Men of Gondor keep such records in the Third Age.
- A Guiding Star, Page 27
- On this page, Círdan presents a list of the major ports of Middle-earth, including the Grey Havens, Dol Amroth, Pelargir, Umbar Baharbêl, and of those that have fallen to ruin, specifically making note of Tharbad and Osgiliath. Círdan describes each of them, providing no small amount of history for each of them, and before concluding, makes a brief note about the Long Lake and the unusual port therein called Lake-town.
- A Guiding Star, Page 33
- On this page, Círdan describes a number of methods used by Elves and Men to employ the stars and greater constellations of Middle-earth for navigation. Círdan continues for several pages, noting the many hazards a Mariner might encounter upon the Sea.
- A Guiding Star, Page 37
- On this page, Círdan discusses the Star of Eärendil, making special note of its unique origin, various legends surrounding it, and what it has come to represent among the Mariners of the world. He describes it as 'the Guiding-star' and entreats the reader to always seek for it if they become lost upon the Sea.
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Additional Information
- This deed is available for Mariners at level 39.
- This deed starts by acquiring the legendary book A Guiding Star, then pages need to be collected, see the Legendary Book Pages for more information on page locations.