
Revision as of 15:48, 21 August 2019 by Dathor (talk | contribs) (→‎Quests)
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This page is about Thikil-gundu, the landmark. For Thikil-gundu, Resource instance, see Thikil-gundu (Resource Instance). For Thikil-gundu, the Solo or 6-man, see Thikil-gundu (Instance)
Type: Ruins
Region: Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
Area: Ered Mithrin
Location: [38.8N, 54.8W]


Thikil-gundu or the Steel Keep in the Common Tongue, is known as Dómekh to the Zhélruka dwarves.
It is a landmark within the area of Ered Mithrin. [38.8N, 54.8W]
It is both an Instance and a Resource Dungeon.


  • None



The following effects are seen on various enemies in Thikil-gundu


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


Resource Instance

  • All resource instances are unlocked after you finish all quests. Or better said, when you finish the Quest: The State of the Expedition which takes you through all major quests in both Iron Hills and Ered Mithrin. These resource instances give you daily Marks of the Longbeards for a few quests both inside as outside the instance. The resource instances that will unlock eventually are: Thikil-Gundu, Thikil-gundu, Oinsbridge and Withered Heath.



  • None


'When the Longbeards still dwelled among the Grey Mountains in the Dwarf-kingodm of Grárik, my people discovered a great delving beneath the slopes of the Wrathorn. They restored it and built upon it naming it Thikil-gundu, or the Steel Keep in the Common Tongue.
'It is true that the first mines and outposts in the Grey Mountains were delved by the Zhélruka, but the halls of the Steel Keep were shaped by the craft of the Longbeards. I will not speak of rightful claims or of the old conflict between our peoples -- they matter no longer. It was a great cold-drake that stole Thikil-gundu from us! Vethúg Wintermind.
'Vethúg devoured Dáin I, and slew his son Frór. Grárik was ended, and if not for the flight of Thrór and Grór, the Longbeards would not have survived.
'Mere weeks after the War had ended, Karazgar drew Vethúg Wintermind to Erebor, and though my people suffered great losses, the cold-drake was defeated... but not slain.
'Whether he seeks to tend his wounds or die atop our hoards of old, I am certain he has returned to the halls of Thikil-gundu.'
King Thorin III (Quest: Disquiet in the Halls