Category talk:Lore

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Category Revamp?

After some time to think about it and the discussion over at Category talk:People, I had a few thoughts about the Lore category.

  • First, that it is a useful and needed category. LotRO is an incredibly lore-heavy game and not all of the relevant information can be put on Character or Location pages.
  • Following from that, by now there is so much lore that is unique to the game or an expansion on preexisting Tolkien lore that there isn't a meaningful way to separate things out based on what is and isn't Tolkien. It may have been easier when the category was first created, but so much has been added in the last 15 years that it's difficult or impossible to definitively say 'this should be considered a Tolkien Thing and not a LotRO one' and also, perhaps, not useful.

Lore as a broad category has a lot of utility for explaining things like major historical events that have a large impact on Middle-earth as we see it in-game (Last Alliance for example) or major objects/artifacts (palantír). It gets messier around People and Places.

For People and Places in particular I would suggest dividing what does or does not go in the Lore sub-category by whether or not you can visit them in-game. This would move characters like Aearil, a LotRO-only character but not an actual NPC you ever see, into People while removing figures like Isildur. This gives the whole category a step of removal from actual NPCs and game locations. If we do still want to mark characters or locations as being canon Tolkien things, we can always make a separate category/categories for that? It wouldn't really note the degree of Tolkien vs LotRO canonicity (thinking Théoden vs say Horn, who is technically a canon Tolkien character! but only gets mentioned in one line in RotK), but could still be useful and/or interesting.

Thoughts? -- Thalion (talk) 17:27, 9 June 2022 (UTC)

I've seen this comment and it is on my thoughts. Please give me a few more days to think, it has been some busy weeks :-( — Zimoon 21:49, 14 June 2022 (UTC)