War-steed Traits
Mounted Combat Related Information |
With the release of Riders of Rohan, there are many overlapping areas of information between the War-steed and Mounted Combat. The information is split to improve readability. New Game technologies:
Basic War-steed Stats
Mounted combat basic stats, these can be accessed when you are pressing shift+w when on your War-steed:
War-steed Endurance is your warsteeds morale.
War-steed Power is your warsteeds power.
War-steed armour is your warsteeds armour (the armour I got 1350 will reduce the damage my warsteeds takes for 7.5%)
War-steed Strength contributes to the following (if you have 548 of it (on a hunter)):
548 points to Physical Mastery Rating
295 points to in-Combat War-steed Power Regen
822 points to Block Rating
328 points to Non-Combat War-steed Endurance Regen
657 points to Non-Combat War-steed Power Regen
War-steed Agility contributes to the following (if you have 810 of it (on a hunter)):
810 points to Tactical Mastery Rating
40 points to War-steed Turn Rate
1215 points to War-steed Evade Rating
437 points to in-Combat War-steed Endurance Regen
971 points to Non-Combat War-steed Endurance Regen
485 points to Non-Combat War-steed Power Regen
War-steed evasion (if you have 2877 of it (on a hunter)):
--Your chance to War-steed Evade an attack is 13.0%
--Your chance to Partially War-steed Evade an attack is 6.5%
--When you Partially War-steed Evade an attack the damage is reduced by 16.2%
(in case you have 1815 of it (on a hunter)):
--Your chance to War-steed Evade an attack is 12.0%
--Your chance to Partially War-steed Evade an attack is 2.8%
--When you Partially War-steed Evade an attack the damage is reduced by 14.0%
Fury Bonus Rating (if you have 8957 of it (on a hunter)):
--Increases the effectiveness by 6.5% per 100 Fury
Traits are a War-steed's main method of advancement. As your steed levels, it gains points which can be spent towards traits to increase the abilities of steed and rider, and in some cases earn additional mounted skills.
User:Gloomi/Traits Panel
Your War-steed's Traits can be viewed on the "Traits" tab of the Mounted Combat UI (Shift-M).
File:Medium War-steed User:Gloomi/Traits Panel.jpg
The five green traits across the top of the traits panel are the stat traits, which increase your War-steed's attributes. These five traits are identical for all three steed types.
Below the stat traits are three trait trees, in red, blue, and yellow. These traits are different for each of the three steed types, although a few traits will appear in more than one. For example, the trait Long Reach is offered to all three types at the top of the red tree, but Tactical Genius is only available to a Medium War-steed.
To change steed type, use the drop-down menu at the very top of the Traits panel to select "Light", "Medium", or "Heavy".
Down the right side of the panel are multiple Trait Specs. Two are available automatically, and additional specs can be unlocked from the LOTRO Store. You can save multiple trait set ups and switch between them on the fly, at no cost. Switching to a different Trait spec will dismount you from a War-steed.
To reset your allocated trait points, click the Refund Points button at the bottom right of the panel. This will charge in-game gold to reset all of the points for a single trait spec. The cost for a reset varies depending on the number of points which have been allocated (more trait points to reset means a higher gold cost).
War-steed Attributes
"The road goes ever on and on..." —Bilbo Baggins LOTRO Expansion, Patch or Update - This article needs to be updated with current information. Please utilize both in-game sources and the official patch notes.
- A War-steed begins with a set of attributes. The initial values depend on the steed type (Light, Medium, or Heavy). The table below shows these initial values.
- These attributes are increased in two ways: assigning points into the War-steed's traits, and some are increased by equipping and levelling up a Legendary Bridle. The War-steed's level does not affect its stats.
Steed Type | Endurance | Power | Armour | Strength | Agility | Turn Rate | Acceleration | Max speed | Evasion | Fury Bonus |
Undefined | 2,030 | 2,601 | 150 | 200 | 200 | 157 | 0 | 14.5 | 300 | 0 |
Light | 1,450 | 2,176 | 100 | 100 | 300 | 155 | 17 | 12.0 | 450 | 0 |
Medium | 2,030 | 2,176 | 130 | 200 | 200 | 145 | 15 | 11.5 | 300 | 0 |
Heavy | 2,610 | 2,176 | 160 | 300 | 100 | 135 | 13 | 11.0 | 150 | 0 |
- A detailed description of War Steed traits was written by Danania Darzil and is found at https://www.danania.net/2012/11/rohan-warsteed-traiting-part-5.html
Trait Trees
The three trait trees group the traits by their function. Although the exact traits vary, the trees follow roughly these categories:
- Red tree: increases damage capability
- Blue tree: bolsters defence and survivability
- Yellow tree: class-specific traits and skills
To apply points to earn traits in a trait tree, you must start at the top trait and continue along the path of the arrows. At the very bottom each tree has a capstone trait, which applies an effect (such as a bleed or an increased effect duration) only when a particular mounted discipline is active. The disciplines correspond as follows:
- Red capstone: Red Dawn
- Blue capstone: Rohirrim
- Yellow capstone: Riddermark
The Yellow tree is the same across light, medium, and heavy steeds except for the capstone trait.
In the following trait tree diagrams, traits marked with an asterisk * will unlock a new mounted skill.
Light Steed
Medium Steed
Heavy Steed
Steed Experience
As your War-steed levels up you gain Skill points which can be applied to Traits which define your War-steed's capabilities.