Quest:The Enemy at Maudhúl Grak

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The Enemy at Maudhúl Grak
Level 101
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Maudhúl Grak
Start Region Taur Drúadan
Map Ref [46.1S, 23.3W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain Far Anórien: Taur Drúadan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The camp is crawling with the Enemy. If you are to stand a chance, you must defeat some of them without attracting too much attention.


Maudhúl Grak is crawling with the Enemy.

Objective 1

Maudhúl Grak is located in northern Taur Drúadan.

You should defeat Orcs at Maudhúl Grak.

Defeated Orcs at Maudhúl Grak (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You defeated many Orcs at Maudhúl Grak and thinned out the camp.

You have defeated many Orcs at Maudhúl Grak and dwindled the amount of Orcs in Taur Drúadan.