Quest:Of Bears and Elves

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Of Bears and Elves
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Grimbeorn
Starts at Beorninghús
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [13.5N, 53.3W]
Ends with Legolas
Ends at Beorninghús
End Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [13.6N, 53.3W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Beorning-lands
Quest Chain Through the Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I know that Thranduil wishes me to reopen the trade route into Mirkwood. I have heard of the hardships faced by the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain and the refugees from out of the East, but [Beornings: our own kin] [non Beornings: my own family] must come first. Go to the Forest Gate and tell the Elves there what I have decided.'


Grimbeorn has refused to reopen the trade-routes with the Elves of Felegoth.

Objective 1

The Forest Gate can be found at the eastern edge of the Beorning-lands where the Vale of Anduin meets Eryn Lasgalen.

You should travel to the Forest Gate and tell the Wood-elves of Grimbeorn's decision.

Legolas greets you as you arrive at the Forest Gate

Objective 2

  • Tell Legolas of Grimbeorn's decision

Legolas can be found at the Forest Gate at the eastern edge of the Beorning-lands.

You should tell Legolas of Grimbeorn's decision.

Legolas: 'The Lord of the Beornings, like all his kin, can be quite stubborn when he wants to be. [Beornings: I exclude you from this list, of course, Beorning though you are! You are not one for hasty decisions, surely? That must be why we get along so well, my friend!] [non Beornings: And yet, I believe he can be persuaded if he is shown the need of it. I have a plan, <name>, but I will need your help to see it done.]
[Beornings: 'I believe Grimbeorn can be persuaded if he is shown the need of it. I have a plan, <name>, but I will need your help to see it done.]
'First, you must defeat some of the threats that remain beneath the canopy of Eryn Lasgalen. Grimbeorn must be shown that the Elves value the safety of his traders. Once you have defeated some of the enemies that threaten peaceful travellers in the woods, meet me at the Beorninghús.'
Legolas believes that Grimbeorn may be persuaded to change his mind

Objective 3

Wild beasts and enemies, such as fire-flies, huorns, Orcs, spiders, Taurogrim, and wolves, can still be found in Eryn Lasgalen.

You should defeat enemies in Eryn Lasgalen to make the roads safer.

Defeated enemies in Eryn Lasgalen (10/10)

Objective 4

Legolas can be found at the Beorninghús in the Beorning-lands.

You should talk to Legolas.

Legolas: 'You have done as I asked? Good, good! I have spoken to Grimbeorn and told him that we have done much to ensure the safety of his traders, should they pass into the woods. He did not respond one way or the other, but I knew better than to press the issue overmuch. Instead, I asked him what you or I could do to assist him here in his own lands. He told me that he would give it some thought and reply soon.
'I think we have made some progress, <name>. After all, a refusal could have been given on the spot, and it was not.'