Quest:Instance: A Logical Appeal

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Instance: A Logical Appeal
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Gadda
Starts at Stangard
Start Region Stangard
Ends with Stanric
Ends at The Mead Hall
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"After seeing the many hardships faced by the Men of Stangard, you and Gadda have decided to make an appeal to the leaders of the settlement."


Now that you have assessed the hardships of Stangard, it is time to make an appeal to the leaders for change.

Objective 1

  • See what Gadda plans to do

Gadda stands with you in the Mead Hall of Stangard.

You should speak with Gadda.

Gadda: 'Come, <name>. Perhaps hearing of our unnecessary hardships from a stranger will make them realize that something must be done.'

Objective 2

  • Follow Gadda

Stanric is in the Mead Hall.

You should speak with Stanric about what you saw in Stangard.

Gadda says, "Stanric will listen to what you have to say. Sithric, on the other hand...well, we shall see."
Gadda says, "Things were not always this bad here. We have few men, it is true, but it used to be that we could get things done."
Gadda says, "Stanric, will you hear our appeal, sir? Stangard is beset with many hardships."
Stanric says, "Of course, Gadda. You have my ear, <name>."

Objective 3

  • Address your observations to Stanric when he is ready to hear you

Stanric is in the Mead Hall.

You should speak with Stanric about what you saw in Stangard.

Stanric: Stanric listens calmly as you share your impressions of the stagnant, malnourished state of things in Stangard.
'Yes, <name>...everything you say is true. Perhaps there is something that can be done. Let us all speak our minds!'

Objective 4

  • Observe the leaders' discussion

You should observe the discussion between the leaders of Stangard.

Stanric says, "Stangard's situation has grown dire. Our guest has seen many of our hardships firsthand."
Stanric says, "The men are so hungry that they cannot perform their duties. They are overworked."
Stanric says, "Our lands, once so carefully patrolled, have been allowed to grow perilous!"
Gadda says, "It is true. Our hunting parties oft do not return, and our food-stores dwindle alarmingly."
Gadda says, "Life was always a struggle here, but never so dire as now!"
Sithric says, "As now? Say what you really mean, Gadda! Do not mince your words for my benefit."

Objective 5

Sithric is in the Mead Hall of Stangard.

Sithric: 'Nay, do not interrupt, <name>. I am waiting for Gadda to finish his thought.
'You were saying, Gadda? Things are worse now -- since what? What has changed, in your view of things?'

Objective 6

  • Watch the discussion

Watch the discussion in the Mead Hall.

Sithric says, "Go on, Gadda. Tell us all what is on your mind!"
Gadda says, "I will say it, since you will hear it. Things have grown far worse since your arrival, Sithric."
Gadda says, "The king appointed you, but you only thwart all of our efforts to improve things here!"
Stanric says, "Gadda, please -- do not say these things. As you said, Sithric is here by the decree of Théoden King...."
Sithric says, "Correct. I am here because Stangard failed the king. You all answer to me."
Sithric says, "I am here to see that things are run properly. If you resist my decisions..."
Sithric says, "...then you resist the will of the king. And you will do well to remember that, Gadda."
Stanric says, "Gadda, your words are noted. Please go back to your post now."
Gadda says, "But...."
Stanric says, "Gadda! You will do as I say. Back to your watch-post, now."

Objective 7

  • Talk to Sithric

Sithric is in the Mead Hall at Stangard.

Sithric: 'It is well that Stanric sent that fool back to his post. Any more insolence, and I would have seen to it that he was imprisoned for this treasonous words.
'Keep out of this, <class>. You are not of the Rohirrim, and Stangard's affairs are no concern of yours.'

Objective 8

  • Wait until Sithric is gone, then speak with Stanric

Stanric is in the Mead Hall at Stangard.

Sithric has warned you to keep out of Stangard's affairs
Sithric is out of earshot -- you should speak with Stanric again

Objective 9

  • Talk to Stanric

Stanric is in the Mead Hall at Stangard.

Stanric: 'Our hands are tied here, <name>. The not the man he once was. To defy him, even for food reason, would not end well for me or my men.
'But I have an idea. You are not truly bound by our laws. If you can think of anything you could do that would help us, you have my blessing.
'That...that is all I will say on this matter. Sithric cannot imprison you, a guest, for any of your deeds in Eorlsmead, as long as no crime is committed.'
Stanric: 'That is all I can say for now. I thank you for your interest in our hardships, <name>. Your concern is deeply felt.'