Master of Connotation (Effect)

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Master of Connotation - 1
Master of Connotation - 2
Master of Connotation - 3
Master of Connotation - 4
Master of Connotation - 5
  • Your next Writ is instant.
    Your next Writ has no cooldown.
  • Expires if out of combat for 9 seconds.

Skill Relationship

Rune-keeper Fire skills will activate this effect on yourself if you have the set bonus Master of Connotation in the Cleansing Flame trait tree.

The buff tiers up each time you use a fire skill, to a maximum of five. When the buff reaches five, the effect icon changes from black-and-white to colour and your next Writ of Fire has no induction and heals 3% of your max Morale.