Erebor Kinship House

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Erebor Kinship House
Region: Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Area: The Abodes of Erebor
Location: [13.7N, 137.4W]
A Kinship House in the Abodes of Erebor
A Kinship House in the Abodes of Erebor


Erebor Kinship House is a Premium Kinship House available as player housing in the Abodes of Erebor.

This house offers 183 interior decoration hooks, 20 interior lighting hooks, and 78 exterior hooks, with access to shared housing storage.


House Address Location Mithril Cost   or   Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
4 Oakenshield Way [18.2N, 139.2W] 1000 Mithril Coin   40 Writs Gold