Bounder's Bounty Vendor

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Image of Bounder
Title Bounder's Bounty Vendor
Gender Female
Race Hobbit
Region The Shire
Settlement Michel Delving
Map Ref [33.8S, 75.1W]


The Bounder's Bounty Vendor offers to trade Bounder's Tokens for various items after the Bounders have achieved their server-wide fundraising goal of 1,750,000 tokens during the Bounder's Bounty event.

She offers many of the same things as her counterpart, the Bounder's Token Rewards Vendor except that her prices are half his!


'The rewards I offer are only available when we reach our goals in full! Check the Bounder's Bounty statue just behind me. We will constantly be posting updated information about how close we are to completing our fund-raising objective! When that is complete, the rewards I offer will be available.

'Notice that I sell many of the same items as my companion a a reduced rate, as well as additional unique rewards.'

What is the Bounder's Bounty?
The Bounders are working on reinforcing their protection of the Shire.
If enough tokens are collected, the Bounders promise to provide a bounty of rewards for all of those who helped. Also, all people of Middle-earth will receive the Bounder's Boon (a buff for all to enjoy).
Each person will be able to unlock rewards by meeting their own quota, but even larger surprises await if everyone donates enough together!
Ok. Thanks!

Barter Information

Bounder's Bounty
Item(s) to Receive Items to Trade
Bounty Gifts (Store Items)
5 100% Infamy/Renown (90 minutes) 135 Bounder's Tokens
 Universal Toolkit 30 Bounder's Tokens
 Random Relic Pack 20 Bounder's Tokens
 Outrider's Token 100 Bounder's Tokens
+100% Craft XP Boost 30 Bounder's Tokens
 Landscape Soldier Token 20 Bounder's Tokens
 Simple Rally Horn 20 Bounder's Tokens
25 Universal Morale Potion 90 Bounder's Tokens
 Tarnished Symbol of Celebrimbor 1,000 Bounder's Tokens
 Steed of Michel Delving 1,500 Bounder's Tokens
Bounty Gifts (Jewelry and Housing)
 Stout Bounder's Earring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Stout Bounder's Necklace 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Stout Bounder's Bracelet 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Stout Bounder's Ring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Wiry Bounder's Earring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Wiry Bounder's Necklace 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Wiry Bounder's Bracelet 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Wiry Bounder's Ring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Engraved Bounder's Earring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Engraved Bounder's Necklace 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Engraved Bounder's Bracelet 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Engraved Bounder's Ring 125 Bounder's Tokens
 Boar Fountain 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Stone Troll the First 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Stone Troll the Second 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Stone Troll the Third 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Laden Produce Table 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Laden Butcher's Table 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Laden Tasting Table 75 Bounder's Tokens
 Dragon Painting 75 Bounder's Tokens