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Maeglired Eölirion
He resembled in countenence and form his sire the betrayer of Gondolin, but in mood, power and mind he was that of his grandsire. ."
The Lay of Maeglired!
Scions of Eöl
World: Gladden/Ithil
Vocation: Explorer
Class: Warden 115/26
Race: Elf (Úmanyar: Noldo-Sindar)
Region: Imladris
Age: 9000
Height: Tall
Sex: Male
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
Eye: Blue


Renegade House of Eöl

The Scions of Eöl are the survivors of the fallen house of Eöl and his treacherous son Maeglin. They are the dark, brooding and crafty elves of the House of the Mole in Gondolin and Eöl's retainers of Nan Emloth who survived the fall of their lords, and the breaking of the world in first and second ages. The lead by the Noldo-Sindar admixture of the illegitimate line of Eöl's house through his son's halfhazardly concieved offspring, and the servants and followers from his broken Noble house. After the fall of Melkor, under their new lord's banner, they followed Celebrimbor into Eregion and served as apprentices and journeymen in the craft halls. They were ever vigilant to don sword and shield to secure the new found prosperity of Ost in Edhil. It was after the forging of the rings of power, and Celebrimbor's fall during the war of Sauron and the Elves, they fled to Imladris. There the twice now displaced remants merged in bonds of fidelity and in personal union with the last relations of Celebrimbor's Feanorian house. and for half an age they sought succor and healing in Imladris through the Second and Third Age till after the fall of fornost in T.A. 1975. In the aftermath of the destruction of the Northern Dunedain Kingdom, the sea called them and they depatered to Edhellond. There they wait till the last call and their Lord sanctions thier ship to take them into the undying west.

Friends and Enemies

Friends & Allies

Caandhuil, Caanthelion, Caanjaal, Feanorgil, Maristar,


Meagloir, Maeb, Meagilhir




  • N/A


Lore Links

Any web links that are relevant to your character

'Eöl at Tolkien Gateway
Maeglin at Tolkien Gateway