
I am a middle-aged passionate fan of the literary works of J.R.R Tolkien, and a 10 year Liftetime Member of the LOTRO Community
About Me
I am retired from the airborne military community, and now a full time parent. I enjoy LOTRO, Minature Wargaming , Winter Biathlon, X-Country Skiing and German Shepherds.
Literary Interests; Ernst Jünger, Christopher Duffy, Michael Moorcock, Robert Heinlein, Phillip Dick; Ron E. Howard, The Gododdin poem (circa 600 AD), Anglo-Saxon Literature (circa 600-900 AD), Military History, Astronomy, Archeology and Anthropology.
Game Play
I began on Gladden in 2007, prior to the birth of my daughter, who now, 10 years later, also plays on the same server. I purchased my Lifetime subscription in 2008. I was a former member of the Knights of Dol Amroth 2007-2008, later I formed the Galadhrim for other veterans who played from 2008-2011 (Dormant from 2011-2015), rebarinded the kinship as the Teulu ( welsh of family or in the Dark Ages it was a lord's warband). In 2016 after reconnecting with former kinmates, rebranded the Kin as the Scions of Eöl and now host a multigenerational household of Lotro Players.
Races and Classes
With Update 22, I can say I have tried every class. Generally I prefer meele classes that present a challange to play. That said it is very clear that the Warden, followed by the Captain are my favorite classes. I apprecaite the complexity of Burglars, but they are not for me. The Guardian this the third favortie class to play. My leaset favorite to play is the mini.
Of all the races I enjoy the most are the high elves, followed by the Elves, then dwarves. Hobbits should be fed to Wargs, end of subject, Especially hobbit burglars...
Kins: Scions of Eöl & Aces & Eights Original Chacater; Feanorgil Hunter 87 ( Dx'd 2015) re-rolled as Guardian 2016. Ended time on Gladden 16 March 2019. Kin house left in the hands of a caretaker for other to still use the crating facilities.
Rank 9 Freep and Rank 9 Creep
Just joined that sever after being invited to join a low level group, in 2018 In suspension
Old group of characters, circa 2011, recently discovered and joined by defunct server transfers. In suspension
Ithil (Legendary Server)
Group of us are reliving good memories form 10 years ago. Kins: Scions of Eöl I have consolidated all my efforts on to this server.