User:Gilbenesse/Gilbenesse Istohir
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Gil-benesse was found washed up on the coast of Forlindon just after the events of the War of Wrath. The Elves that found him soon discovered he could not recall any of his previous life. They took him in and cared for his many wounds, calling him Gîl-benesse; ‘star without name’.
He was soon accepted into the mighty house of Gil-galad where it was revealed that he was suffering from a Dragon Curse, one designed to strip away a victims memories. Grieving for the loss of his past, he began to pour over the great libraries of the house. Searching through books, scripts and parchments for anything that might help him remember, something that might remind him.
Many years passed and war finally broke his studies, for the Dark Lord had finished forging the rings of power and begun his assault on Eriador. Gil-benesse joined the numbers of his kindred and fought against the Enemy.
With the arrival of Numenoreans the tide of war was turned and he returned to the Grey Havens to continue his research. Supplemented by new readings from Numenor his hope was rekindled. This was short lived however with the corruption and final Downfall of Numenor. Once again he joined the ranks in war and marched out in the Last Alliance.
With the defeat of Sauron and the tragedy which befell Gil-galad, Gil-benesse travelled back north under the banner of Cirdan. Finally they once again reached Ered Luin and he stayed with Cirdan’s people at the Grey Havens. Many soon realised his great knowledge of the world and he quickly earned the title Istohir; ‘Master of Lore’.
In the year 2463 (third age), Gil-benesse moved to the Tower Hills, to be closer to the road that travels to Rivendell. However in his heart grief was once again beginning to take form, for despite being much wiser than when he began his studies, he was no closer to finding the truth about his past.
In recent times Gil-benesse Istohir has begun to shift his studies. He has begun to temp fate and take matters into his own hands. Nothing he has learnt has helped him remember, so now he ventures out, for the moment alone. He now has one hope left, to find the Dragon that cursed him all those ages ago, and slay it… bringing with it an end to his curse and revealing Gil-benesse's true identity of the First Age.
Friends and Enemies
- Fiermi Foesmiter - Very good friend.
- N/A
- Has an unquenchable hate for Dragon-kind
- Coming soon
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- File:Silvan Shadows (trait)-icon.png Silvan Shadows (trait)|Silvan Shadows
Friend of Man
- File:Return to Rivendell (trait)-icon.png Return to Rivendell - Yet to Achieve
- File:Eldar's Grace (trait)-icon.png Eldar's Grace (trait)|Eldar's Grace - Yet to Achieve
Power of the Eldar - Yet to Achieve
Hardy Companion
Awareness of Body - Yet to Achieve
Master of the Staff
Harmony with Nature - Yet to Achieve
Flame of Anor - Yet to Achieve
Sword and Staff - Yet to Achieve
Eagle-friend - Yet to Achieve