Prologue - OOC
First I want to say, that I’m not american and you can find a strange grammar or even some mistakes in this article, nevertheless I hope it will give you the informations you need/want/seek.
I was deciding for a long time if I will try to play LOTRO at all, because as a huge fan of Tolkien’s work I had feeling that this game will ruin my imagine of Middle-earth. Then a friend told me, that in LOTRO you can do some serious RP so I’ve decided give it a try in September 2010 when US servers have became free-to-play. So basicaly I’m playing this game for role-play. I don’t really care about having best items, level or killing biggest bosses, I’m long time over it because I was playing another MMORPGs for last years.
PS: If you are interested deeper in my personal or characters info, do not hesitate to send me a mail or tell in game.
History and physical description

Name: | Elkarien Rédrin |
Birth date: | December 19th, 1888 T. A. |
Birth place: | Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien |
Race: | Quendi - Elf |
Lineage: | Quendi > Eldar > Teleri > Sindar and Nandor elves |
Age: | 1131 |
Region: | Lothlórien |
Height: | 1,88 m / 6 ft 2 inch |
Sex: | Female |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eye: | Blue |
Weapons: | Bow - Calina Belthronding, Sword - Eldarin tuo |
World: | Imladris |
Kinship: | Children of Arda |
Class: | Hunter |
Profession: | Tailor |
Rédrin family
Rédrin = ‘king among crafters (in common language).
The word Rédrin was probably made by two words in quenya = ré-d (daily, day, for day) + rína (crowned) in free translation Rédrin = ‘Day of crowning‘, or in later meanings ‘kingly‘ which is close to ratting of Elros’s crafting abilities.
First elf with Rédrin name was Elros, The bowmaker. Elros was a proud second age-born elf, great warrior with weapon crafting skill which he was using to make bows of extraordinary quallity, there is known only one such bow made by his hands which has survived to the present – Calina Belthronding is bow of incompareable quallity and there are almost none of better ones in Middle-earth. Elros and his first born son Unwe died in struggle in south Gondor while he was helping another elf to get from a prison southern from South Ithilien. Bodies were never found, only bow and Unwe’s bag. Elros‘s wife Lindriel has sailed to Valinor year after this incident.
Faëlod was Elros’s second son very peaceful elf who loved woods and animals of all kind. That’s probably why he joined Lady Galadriel in Lindon and then when she has moved to Lothlórien. We can say that Faëlod was the most less significant elf in Rédrin family so far. His wife was Míniel one of the distant descendents of high noldor elves Túrion and Nandarien. Faëlod has three sons. Narnín has died in the Battle of five armies at Lonely mountain. Yunger brothers Eör and Turnon still lives in Lindon and Lórien.
Youngest of Faëlod’s brothers is Turnon who merried Maia. Maia is half-elf but still very noble. Her mother was probably Eólyn from edain (first men) people and father was Fundulias, regular elf from Lindon. Turnon and Maia are peaceful elves, no warriors. Maia has brilliant skill among Lórien’s cooking guild and her job is to manage supplies of food and Lembas bread to elves fighting around the Lórien and in Southern Mirkwood. Turnon was supreme tailor who now helps her wife with her work.
Turnon and Maia have three children. Faetar, Radoras and finally first doughter of Rédrin family – Elkarien. Faetar was the first born child of Turnon and Maia. Not skilled in any crafting but proper elvish warrior with very good skill of handling bows and swords. About year 2900 T. A. he became quite obssesed with finding one of the last Palantírs in Eriador. This obsession brought him a death in freezing waters of Ice bay in Forochel in 2912 T. A.
Radoras [note 1] is second-born a lot younger son of Turnon and Maia. He is natural born traveller and explorer. He‘s constantly travelling in the Eriador in search for great places of Eriador which is quite uncommon for an elf. He is known to free people of Eriador as a ‘pointy ear traveller‘. He is also seeking for ancient crafting ability of bow-making, such as Elros, The bowmaker has possesed.
This is crude description about significant elves of Rédrin family of Lothlórien.
Birth and childhood
Elkarien has born 19th December 1888 third age. As you probably know, elves become adult after their 50 years of age. As a child she was really quiet one and she was often listening to other elves talking about legends, old songs and of course Valinor. We can say that her childhood was quite peaceful and bound with Lórien – typical childhood of elves from Lórien or Rivendell. She has spent her first 87 years in Lórien. Learning the fathers’s excellet tailoring skill, hunter skills, music skills, ... There were absolutely no reason for her to leave such a place like Lórien untill she was ready to do so.

Elkarien is peaceful elf. She is no warrior and even she can protect herself and she posses some good skill with dagger, sword and bow she is not using it unwisely. You would say that she is traveller or explorer and you would be right. She’s very kind, helpful – her never ending quest is to help people in need, so she is. We can say that her "hobby" is hunting, especially evil kind of animals like wargs. That's the actual favourite way how she is training her combat skills although she is never hunting for fun or let such animals to suffer as even some elves do.
Best way how to relax for her is with her loyal friends singing, dancing and cheering. She meets occasionally with her friends in big house at shore in Falathorn, near by Celondim in Ered Luin. You can recognize that house by the big title above the main door saying: "Children of Arda are welcome"
She was helping to defend various places of Eriador, in the past, which she knows very well.
"Eriador my friend, is the most interesting place in Middle-earth. Quite ordinary land but with so heroic people wanting and willing to defend it."
She was in most lands of Middle-earth but most of her life she spent in Eriador and Lórien.
"They ask, why am I here and not in southern or eastern lands. And I’m always saying – Because of the people."
That probably means, that she dislikes men from south (Gondor, Rohan, ...) for some reason, the same may be for east lands as a Mirkwood or lands around Lonely mountain.
She was also talking about path or road she has found over the Misty Mountains.
"The road there is hard, exhausting but safe. Only elf can go there."
The road is probably one of the many steep passes above Moria or more to north. Elkarien has also very good reasons for taking such hard but safe path to get from Lórien to Eregion.
"I wouldn’t tell the secret elvish way over the mountains to just anyone strange to me. But belive me, it’s far safer than taking the way over the Tâl Caradhras or even worse, throught darkness of Moria." [note 2]
So she is able to get quite easily and fast from Rhovanion to Eregion. She also likes snow and cold weather despite of her origin.
"Men say that freezing cold laying upon Forochel is curse and evil to those who travel there. But for me it’s no curse, cold keeps my senses sharp."
As you can see, Elkarien is very high-hope for various reasons. She is kind as elf, wise as elf, loyal as elf, beautiful as elf and, when needed, deadly as elf.

Calina Belthronding
Calina Belthrinding means Bright Belthronding (strongbow) in common language. Original, the first Belthronding was black yew-wood bow made by Doriath elf, great bowmaster and leader of Thingol’s frontiersmen, Beleg Cúthalion in first age. [Note abour choosen name: Use of name "Belthronding" probably means that Elros wanted to honour Beleg's superb bow or he thought that this bow can match with his.]
Calina, bright one, Belthronding is one of the masterpieces of bowmaster Elros Rédrin in second age. The bow itself is made from mallorn-wood so it's white and very light. Of course, such bow can be very powerful in skillful hands. There are even some special features on it. There is mithril-steel blade on covering center part of bow for direct striking in close combat. The blade is very sharp and hard. Bow has also some kind of "aura" so the owner with proper skill may be able to do near-impossible shots with it.
This bow was crafted probably in the year when there were first rings of power crafted, that means around the year 1500 S. A. Bow was find by Lindon’s elves in near South Ithilien when they were searching for Elros and Unwe. Then the bow has became the legacy item of Rédrin family but no one since Elros’s death were using it untill Turnon gave it to Elkarien who is using it in times of need since 2011 T. A.
Eldarin tuo
Elkarien uses one more extraordinary item. It’s a unique sword which has been given to Elros Rédrin by one of the captains of Númenor in year 673 of the Second age. It has faded writings on the blade, glowing in the dark, saying: “Eldarin tuo“, which means “Elvish power“ so this sword is, no doubt, masterpiece of one of the older elven crafters. More informations about this sword are unknown. Only thing Elkarien knows is that it’s very handy and useful in close battle and that it has been, maybe, found in the ice of Forochel.
Armour of the Golden wood
Elkarien is wearing set of armour which she crafted all by herself. It’s value is really high because she used almost all mithril fibres which her father has saved since second age. The armor is golden-green dyed and it’s very thick simillar to dwarf-made heavy armors from ages when they were using mithril for their metalsmithing. This is actually Elkarien masterpiece and there is no better armor she has had been able to make. Her trailoring skill is by now at maximum potential and she has reached same or similar level in tailoring as her father which was mostly making light and medium armors for noble high elves or commandants of elvish armies.
Rest of Elkarien's items are the best sort which she has obtained in Lothlórien and other various places she were giving her aid across Eriador. So they are, of course, one of the finest items in Middle-earth.
End of life
Theory is that the most elves left Middle-earth in the beggining of fourth age. At least most of the older ones such as Lord of Imladris, Shipmaker of Gray haven or Lady of Lothlórien. So those who remain are no high-elves so that’s quite unknown what happend to them in later years. Probably they have mixed with men and getting less and less elvish.
Elkarien eventually sailed to west, even so that was more difficult without proper ships, when she felt that her time has come ...
Gallery of memories
[note 1] Radoras is actually a player who got me into this game, he is not playing anymore but I will keep his name here as my game brother. Other names are not related to real persons.
[note 2] That’s my explanation of fast travel skills throught Misty mountains. Even if you are hard RPer I doubt you can travell all that distance on your feet every time.
((This article is being updated with every change in Elkarien's life - LAST EDIT: 1st May 2011))