Treasure of Máttugard

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Deed Lore

Find ancient treasure in Máttugard

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Find ancient treasure in Máttugard (0/8)
This treasure had been lost, forgotten, or perhaps even stolen.


  3 Silver Coin of Gundabad
   <name>, Treasure-seeker of Máttugard
   2,000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold ( 700 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[47.4S, 111.2W] Southeast corner of the pool east of Shalakibal
[45.8S, 112.6W] Northwest of Asbaj-khîrfin across a bridge on the top level
[44.7S, 113.5W] North side below the ramp down to the Pit of Stonejaws
[45.6S, 114.0W] Upstairs and northeast of the Throne at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
[46.5S, 114.6W] Upstairs and southwest of the Throne at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
[46.5S, 114.8W] End of a short pathway just past Kurthár (hug the ledge around)
[47.9S, 115.5W] On a ledge up the stairs west of Tholmuzog, hidden behind a rocky pillar.
[47.9S, 115.0W] Top level above Tholmuzog on a ledge. To get to the top level, take the stairs up from [48.4S, 114.8W]

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