Treasure of Far Anórien

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Deed Lore

Find Far Anórien's treasure that has been lost or stolen.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • Find Far Anórien's lost treasure (0/16)
This treasure had been lost, forgotten, or perhaps even stolen.


   5 LOTRO Points
   50 Marks
  7 Exquisite Wood-carving
  4 Polished Marble Trinket
   <name>, Treasure Seeker of Far Anórien
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Riders of Rohan ( 900 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[53.7S, 19.5W] Taur Drúadan, in the Grey Wood on the north side of the river
[48.9S, 24.2W] Taur Drúadan, go right at Amon Dîn entrance and follow along the outside wall
[48.5S, 22.7W] Taur Drúadan, take the road to Amon Dîn, go left at [48.6S, 23.1W] and follow path along the rocks to the east
[45.6S, 19.7W] Taur Drúadan, among some trees north of the bridge to Talath Anor
[44.2S, 29.0W] Taur Drúadan, next to a rock north of the War-stead of the Rohirrim Stable-master
[48.9S, 30.1W] Taur Drúadan, leave the road to Nardol at the southern curve and head south down the rocks
[46.6S, 32.6W] The Beacon Hills, behind a building in Erelas southeast of the beacon
[48.6S, 32.0W] The Beacon Hills, west side of the river near the waterfall
[48.5S, 34.0W] The Beacon Hills, atop a ridge by a rock
[45.6S, 35.9W] The Beacon Hills, west of the road to Ost Rimmon, go up and through a cleft in the rocks
[47.9S, 39.5W] The Beacon Hills, base of a cliff on the east side of the river (approach from Rimmon Quarry to the south)
[40.5S, 38.9W] The Beacon Hills, north of the Variag camp at Bâr Nadhron next to a large rock
[43.9S, 42.0W] The Beacon Hills, in a small stable near a building on road to Calenhad
[45.4S, 41.7W] The Beacon Hills, at the base of a cliff south of Calenhad
[43.9S, 47.1W] The Beacon Hills, on the east river bank up the steep hillside and at the base of a cliff (approach from the north)
[46.6S, 47.3W] The Beacon Hills, down the cliff southwest from Halifirien

Possible Chest Contents

You have found an ancient  Treasure Cache You open the ancient chest and find:

  • Note: Each chest may contain any of the following, or nothing.





See Uncommon Scaled Instances Loot for uncommon drops and Rare Scaled Instances Loot for rare drops.