Treasure-seeker of the Umbar-môkh

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Deed Lore

Find the many treasures hidden or forgotten throughout the Umbar-môkh.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • Find treasure caches in the Umbar-môkh (0/10)
Find the many treasure caches lost or forgotten throughout the Umbar-môkh.


  5 Umbari Tâm
   Small gift of Ûr
   <name>, Treasure-seeker of the Umbar-môkh
   2,000 Virtue Experience

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 140.


Coordinates Directions / Description
[115.4S, 139.5W] Kamrabezûr - South of Kên Taghlim behind a pillar
[116.3S, 138.9W] Kamrabezûr - West of Hulzidâr behind a pilar
[114.8S, 141.1W] Tâkhdar - In a hallway in Tâkhdar
[116.3S, 141.1W] Tâkhdar - South of Tilmakhím
[115.4S, 143.3W] Ilmabiri - Next to a large sewer pipe, east of Zalnakhim
[115.5S, 142.2W] Ilmabiri - North of Hêbatokh, just outside the wall, take the eastern exit and then turn left
[117.3S, 140.8W] Khabârkhad - Downstairs near the camp of Itekn-kên
[120.0S, 141.2W] Khabârkhad
[121.2S, 141.0W] Dil-irmíz - Downstairs, in a corner
[122.0S, 141.9W] Dil-irmíz - Upstairs, in a corner