Social:Kinships of Gilrain

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Gilrain [English]

  • Band of Brothers - The Band Of Brothers is a fast growing active Kinship we have over 50 members and a lvl 5 life span at the moment. All players and lvls are welcome and will enjoy our relaxed friendly and advice giving manner, lvl 25 and above will be promoted to officer and have the abilty to recurit for the kin. Talk to master of kinship for more details on the kin and joining. Master of kinship - User:Mikeybaby123/Mikeymir.
  • Band of Warriors - The Band Of Warriors is one of the oldest though not the largest active Rank 10 Kinships on Gilrain. We are a relaxed friendly and helpful kin. We accept players of all levels, classes and from all area's of the world. We enjoy pampering our members by making them armour, weapons and pots. We also have a sense humour and accept people who are able to take and pull jokes. We have active raiding session every weekend and are doing the new expansion with relative ease. We have regular Kinship get togethers with us ending up in Ettenmoors causing all sorts of trouble for either Creeps OR Freeps!! Or just some plain old laughs while playing hide and seek. We are led by the amazing Radosi who is very active within the kinship (also a lovely guy). Our officers are Hirilondir, Flopsie, Mirniel, Dreadmidge, Goldflame and Ebalia!
  • Beggars Banquet –Beggars Banquet is a Level 10 Kin, and is one of the oldest Kin's on the Gilrain server. Originally Founded by Galgan, and then Led by the imfamous short Hobbit Casco for 9 months, the kinship leadership then was passed to Theoran who lead for 2 years and finally passed the torch to Ger. The Beggars Banquet are a multi-national Kin, which has grown in the last year into a raiding kin (YAY!), and have a mostly mature approach to the Game (but always do things for the fun of it and dont like to take things to serioulsy :P). They have lots of families on board, including wives, husbands, children (i suppose you have to be crazy to game with them!) They help all of their kinnies and treat everyone as equal, once they have done their part to keep the madness. They also have SM's in every profession. (Ger has an SM in every Proffession!!). Beggars Banquet also has its very own jack russell - Ernilas, who happily insults every one he meets - (dont mind him hes harmless, bless him). If you want to join one of the oldest kins on Gilrain, if your a casual player or raider and your crazy enough to game with us! Then this is the kin for you, send Ger an ingame mail or leave a message on the website.
  • Blood Brothers Blood Brothers is an active and friendly kinship with some master crafters and experienced players who enjoy hunting beasts and killing orcs. The kinship is one year old (rank 10) We have a great dwarf kinhouse, website and FB group. We accept every race, class, age or nationality. We have no problem to help new players or just enjoy and doing instances with the experienced ones. So if you like to have a good time while you are playing please send us a tell!! Leader: Kander. Main officers: Azyrash, Alenis, Sanafred, Dasien,Hearmeaswell, Scorpios, Daenlas, Thendrian, Kariel, Isildron, Eardor, Daenwulf, Runeka, Firond... ask for join in quick! The renowned player Wjerljocht here, come and join us.
  • Bounders of the West Farthing* An All Hobbit Kinship - The Largest On Gilrain (and Most likely at all) and the Longest Running Hobbit Only Kinship in the Game (almost Rank 9). Leader Sidny, Named by Larrie. Kinship Aim: To Take Down the Barlog With Just Hobbits before the Mines of Moria is Released
  • BroKen: The Shattered Kinship-A kin reforged – BroKen is a medium-sized Level 10 kinship active in all aspects of the game: crafting, leveling, PvMP etc. We put the wellbeing of our Kinship members first and are constantly looking to recruit active and serious players of any level who are sociable, friendly and helpful. We have a website, forum, ventriloserver and specific Officers assigned to help the various classes and crafts. Leader:Smartbean Officers:Rhianon, Belgianguy, Sharadin, Quileth & Xori For invite send a tell to anyone of us.
  • Brothers of the Blade are a active and fun kinship with a group of helpful and social members. I started the kin with the aim to be among the best in gilrain using ideas gained from kin memberships in elite and great kins like rulers of westernesse and Order of istari. Our members are a wide range of levels and I openly advise them to have have a few races and classes on the go to help further the kinship. My main officer is Sabrewulf. Forum addy is on our website. hope to see you soon :)
  • Carangil – 'Carangil is a new Kin (August 2011) and we are recruiting now. We are looking for mature (16+), English speaking, active and helpful players. Whether you are experienced or a beginner you are most welcome. We may be new but we are led by experienced players from around Europe and other parts of the world, who are always willing to help with all aspects that Middle Earth can offer. Enjoy the game with a bunch of fun people. To join simply apply to kinship via the web page or IMS an officer whilst in the game (officers names can be found on the website).
  • The Children of the Sun - The Cots are balanced towards all aspects of the game, Rank 8 kinship that grew from smaller kins.
  • The Council of Elrond - We are a small kinship of friends who met through lotro. Although we all enjoy an instance, we are very relaxed about completing content and mainly enjoy a good laugh together. At rank 7, we now have a kinhouse. We encourage recruitment of over 18's or those who can demonstrate a maturity throughout a trial period. Our aim is to govern the kinship through agreement rather than direction. If you're interested in joining us for an evening to see if you like us, please contact a member ingame. If you can't find one, please send a mail or a tell to Samafaroth.
  • The Damned - The Damned are a Rank 10 mature raiding kinship on the Gilrain server. We focus on end game content and raiding in a fun and friendly atmosphere, but we are very serious about our raiding and what we expect from our members. The Damned is comprised of mature people over age 18, who wish to have a full end game experience and be part of an active, vibrant kinship. We welcome all new challenges and rise to meet them. We pride ourselves on our teamwork abilities and our constant quest for "the next thing". The dedication and determination of this kinship's members and its officers proves fruitful to say the least. While we are essentially a raiding kinship we have regular "fun" events to ensure that our kin members not only get their end game spoils but a hearty laugh as well.
  • Dawn - (Edited 1st February 2011) Formed 3rd July 2010. We are a Rank 8 kinship. Our members are mainly from the UK and Scandinavia. We have a very active kinship with focus on the end-game play. We DO accept all classes and levels but main group of players are lvl 65 (and alts). Members age 18+ and ranging from "some" to "loads of" online gaming experience. Leader: Papaver. Officers: Lbeleg, Khargain. Desodor and Ladolis. Membership can be only achieved by applying via our website.
  • Defenders of ered luin - We are Dutch/English speaking kinship that likes to fight in Eriador for the free peoples. We are for all levels and classes, we fight for Ered Luin in Eriador and Rhovanion. We are a lvl 6 kinship and we are active friendly and helpful. Founder and leader: Danthon. To email Danthon, click on the kinship name and send a mail with the tab (contact us).
  • The Defenders of the light- The Defenders of the light is an lvl 8 kinship with people who enjoy the game and hang out with eachother. Together we try to explore all thats possible :). Also we are a very helpfull kinship. Not only to our kinship members but also towards others to expend our territory.
  • Defenders of the white tree - Quite new kinship. Not many members, maybe 30. Leadership character is hunter. There are members between 1-50-lvl. If you want to join that kinship you need to talk to Melendin.
  • The Elders - (Moved to Laurelin) The Elders is one of the very oldest kinships on Gilrain (in all senses of the word *cough*). We are a relaxed, friendly, informal and extremely friendly kinship with a minimum age of 25yrs. Most of our membership are 35+ yrs old. We have a mixed community ranging from very casual players to a significant number of keen & proficient raiders (and all are equally valued by us). We operate an open-door policy to membership - very simply, if you're old enough to be an Elder, try us out. There are no class/level restrictions. Visit our website at
  • The Fangorn Woods – The Fangorn Woods is a Level 10 Kin. It all started early 2009 and in spring 2011 started to recruit new members. The Fangorn Woods is an adult kin where the number one priority is to have fun and to avoid the 'elite' approach when playing the game. That makes The Fangorn Woods different then most kin's on the server. The Fangorn Woods is no raiding kin but it does have experience with doing raids for end-content and raids are been planned regularly with other kins. The players themselves are very much experienced, most of them started playing the game when it just got released. They are experienced with all the aspects of the game. It's a very social kin with a kinhouse and a ventrilo server. The Fangorn Woods very much believe you as an individual should be able to play the game in the way YOU like without any obligations! That also makes The Fangorn Woods different from most kins who're using lot's of rules to make a difference within the community. One example where the Fangorn Woods is different then most kins is that The Fangorn Woods do allow people to join with one (or more) character, using our ventrilo while playing with other characters within other kin's. while having other characters within other kins! So you can always decide to 'taste' what The Fangorn Woods is all about. You can also join the Ettenmoors creeps play by joining the 'The Woody Bastards'.
  • The final fellowship - a new kinship our aims is to be friendly and active but also helping with quests and items
  • Golden Reign- A new kinship that is building up fast,we are happy to help all members with quests or item needs.with many active players and masters of all crafts we can help you build anything,we have a web page so members can keep on top of the latest news and going's on.Everyone is welcome just contact Chronas or Kilmorine.
  • The Great Bohemia Alliance - We are rank 10 Czech and Slovak speaking kinship with active players doing raids and instances and helping each other. Everyone is welcome our only condition is to speak Czech or Slovak or learning at least :) Contact Lasopras, Kapitanka or visit our page'
  • The Guardians of Erebor - A rank 10 easygoing kinship founded by Wurin. We tend to concentrate most on the Epic quests and quest help and we are making our first steps in Raids. We're not the kind that will shout at you because you did something wrong.. not our style.
  • Guardians of Hope - Founded in March 2008, Guardians of Hope is a lively and friendly kin for players of all levels & classes. We support levelling players and have a fairly active, but casual approach to end-game instances and raids. Leader: Rowandal.
  • Gwardia - Gwardia is a kin for Polish (speaking) players. Contact Marcint/Orthon or any other officer for more information.
  • Highlanders - Highlanders is a small Kinship with private members, all round race Kinship all though thieving elf's are not looked kindly upon. All players and lvls are welcome to enjoy their company and relaxed friendly attitude and advice giving manner.
  • Hispania Eala Earendel engla beorhtast. Ofer middangeard monnum sended
    The Hispania is one of the oldest though not the largest active Rank 10 Kinships on Gilrain, our company is basically speaks Spanish, but we are well prepared to join all kinds of people of Middle Earth to fight against the dark power. We are a relaxed friendly and helpful kin. We accept players of all levels, classes and from all area's of the world. We enjoy pampering our members by making them armour, weapons and pots. We also have a sense humour and accept people who are able to take and pull jokes. Group to do missions every day, we have active raiding session every weekend and are doing the new expansion with relative ease. We have regular Kinship get togethers with us ending up in Ettenmoors causing all sorts of trouble for either Creeps OR Freeps!! Or just some plain old laughs while playing hide and seek. Our officers are Foilin, , Gilvinyareth, Adrigolfin, Dyareela, Chikito, Magval and more.( Si eres Español o hablas Castellano, no lo dudes, aqui aprenderas y te divertiras, descubriendo todos los secretos de la Tierra Media).
  • Honourary Shirriffs - The Honourary Shirriffs are called back to life by the hobbit Oridoc (Aug 2008). This time, also elves, dwarves and men are called upon to defend the boundaries of the Shire. The Shirriffs can be characterized as a small but cosy kinship of in-game friends. Kin trips are organized for both end gaming and older challenges in Eriador. The kin only recruits from friends and people met in fellowships. Since 2011, the kin is inactive and serves as a kin for casual players and some hobbit fanatics.
  • Hope & Glory - Founded in June 2007, Hope & Glory (H&G) is a large, well established and successful kinship on Gilrain, whose highly active members prioritise having fun over and above everything else. All nationalities are most welcome and we actively encourage applications from both sexes. Our members care more about the personalties of the people they spend their time with, rather than their skill, class or level. The kin does have an age restriction as we can get quite loud, especially on a friday night! We use our own Vent server although this is not mandatory. Hope and Glory were the first kin to kill the Balrog, the first to down Thorog in six months after the update and the only kin or team to have killed Gaergoth on the server. They were the first to kill Watcher 1.0, had Watcher 2.0 on farm twice a week and were the first kin on Gilrain to complete the Dar Nargubud and Barad Guldur 12 man raids. We were the first to complete the Hardmode Barad Guldur raid on the server and have a world first and second in 6 manning the LT and Twins of Barad Guldur in easy mode.
    We are lucky to have some of the best Raidleaders on the server as part of our setup. H&G raids several times a week, has classleaders and a craftguru in place to help everyone further their skills, and owns a large amount of property in Salcrest, Bree - containing communally used chests for members. Hope & Glory is fiercely anti-elitist, and believes strongly in everyone having the same opportunities in the game. H&G also has a highly active creep tribe, The Gramsfoot Lawn Tennis Club which has some of the highest ranked creeps on the server, for kin members only. We also run regular socials with quizzes, parties and inhouse challenges. Applications to H&G are always welcome - Hope & Glory never advertises for members, preferring only to recruit from friends or people that approach and ask to join via our website.
  • Illuminati - Leader: Nimarian. Officers: Feloborn, Totti, Marinor, Ripli, Belegardo, Finfur, Nena, Theorick. A casual kin covering all areas of the game from crafting to raiding, we have no discrimination towards classes or levels, no hard and fast age rule, just a sense of humour (twisted) and a desire to have fun and enjoy yourselves is required. We have our own Ventrilo server and a large knowledge base with some members having played the game since launch. Many members are very active in the PvP aspect of the game and we have our own creep tribe - Noctum. If you are interested then please get in touch with one of the officers listed above or visit our website.
  • Iluvatarian Knight - Iluvatarian Knight was founded June 4th 2007 by Callistan. Aimed at people who like to take it nice and slow and enjoy all of the game content without rushing for level 65, but we also do raids and such for those who have reached that far. We also have a child kinship for an extra kinship house, which is called Lone Ranger.
  • INVICTA INVICTA is a Friendly Rank 10 Kinship, for new and veteran players alike. Our main focus is fun and friendship and enjoying the game in a great atmosphere. We are always ready to help our members with quests, gear and advice.
  • Knights Templar - Rank 7 kinship with Kinhouse and website, we are currently looking for new members, Grand master: arhain
  • The last Alliance - We are a kin that is very active. We are rank 10 kinship house like most of the kinships. We don't use vent or in game voice chat. We currently have 150+ members that is inc. alts. We concentrate on helping others so that they can reach the end game stuff to. We currently are busy with class quests and books. Feel free to ask questions Leader: Trust
  • The Last Warders - We are a LOTRO Kinship on the EU Gilrain Server. Established on 07-07-2007
    Mature members helping people get to the end game content and raiding in a fun and a friendly atmosphere.
    No matter your age, in game level, or whatever class you play, everyone is welcome. Your membership must be approved after a 2 week trial and your permissions will then be set appropriately. If you are interested in finding out more about us and our activities please feel free to chat to us in our public area.
    We have our own Ventrilo server for game chat, informal, respectful but above all fun.
    We look forward to seeing you in Middle Earth as a Last Warder  :-)
  • Legacy of Heroes - Hail all Heroes! Legacy of Heroes is a kinship originally formed a few years ago by Galadion and Kaylariel.
    We are a friendly, relaxed kin with a whole bunch of friendly members willing to listen to you and help each other. We are rank 10 which means we have been around for a long while and we will be around for a lot longer with the help of a great community we want you to provide with us.
    We are always happy to welcome new recruits of all levels, and make sure we help each other out whenever - whether it's crafting, questing, socialising or instances/Fellowships/Raids.
    Get in touch with any us on here, in-game or on our guild site. Come join us - you won't be disappointed!
  • The Legion - The Legion was formed in May of 2007 by Khurghan. We are a relaxed, laid back and realistic kin, focusing on helping each other. We range from casual 2-6 man runs on up to end-game content, with occasional kin-wide activities. We have no restrictions on age, location or level, just be nice, have fun and be helful. Founder: Khurghan Leader: Ranhad
  • Limited Edition - High lvl casual gaming kin, soon Rank 10. We provide all the endgame possibilities, but no demand to use them. Our focus is at the social aspect of the game and we are one of the few kins that doesnt use voicechat/vent. We accept all classes and levels - its about having fun. No sign-up forms needed, just contact a member ingame, if you wanna join. No age restrictions as well; we just expect ppl to behave.
  • The Lost Titans - We are a well organised Kinship with active members. We go questing and are building up a raid force. Currently we are looking at applications from mature players, 18+ who are comfortable using TeamSpeak.
  • Middle-Earth Gyermekei The Middle-Earth Gyermekei is an all Hungarian kinship. Ha magyar vagy, és a Gilrain servert választottad, köztünk a helyed! Keresd a vezért: Aregbar-t, az alvazért: Waldomar-t vagy a tisztjeinket: Liiba-t és Nimregior-t és küldj neki egy tell-t, (illetve egy levelet, ha egyikük sincs online) hogy felvételt nyerhess sorainkba.
  • Muckin Fuddle We all started off as free to play players and quickly got hooked wanting to get more out of the game we went VIP and well, never looked back really.The Kinship is now rank 9 and we decided now was the time to start looking for new members to increase our ranks. Our main ethos is first and foremost helping people with the game, be it with quests or with crafting to general gaming questions and advice although we may not always be right :). We have no real rules. You play when you want, how you want. All we ask is that when possible you will help other kin members and not be rude, disrespectful or arrogant.
  • Nibaragtholûn Khazad-dûmu - Guardians of the Battlehorn of Khazad-dûm. Spanish. Kinship's founder: Dwalhin Taragmithril (Mithrilbeard).
  • Northland Wanderers One of the Oldest Kinships in LOTRO, forming originally during the games beta, the Northland Wanderers are a tiny rank 10 kinship. Suffering from a sweep of account hacks in 2009 and the transfer to US servers, the kinship was reformed by the two original founding members, on the Gilrain server. Due to the Kinships history, new members are not often added though are more welcome now, given the end of the "cold war" between the wanderers and the now defunct "Fairytale Guild". Mostly English speaking, the kinship supports all level players and has recently begun expanding its events calender. A creep-side tribe is in the making, with players interested in creep-play receiving favorable notice on join requests. Leader: Heodred
  • Ombra e Fiamma (Edited May 2014 - Most players migrated to Evernight) Ombra e Fiamma is an italian speech kinship, rank 10 (December 2010). We have a big kinship house, and all crafting professions. We have an important rule: having fun together playing a game we love. All levels and classes are welcome, expert or noob players will be accepted in our group. If you will join us, you'll get help you need in gaming questions and equipping you characters at the best way. We make instances and raids of all levels, asking requests of all kin members, and we have a little but mighty Ettenmoors party. We complete end-game raids, with fair arranging and events calendar. We often use skype or TS to chat together, to make dungeons or simply to talk with our friends. Officers: Eiluned, Rockerduck, Quincey, Drisinil, Ravidel, Talyla, Baronth, Alakin, Dervoras, Viyle. We have also a Creep-side Tribe called "Ombra and Fiamma".
  • The Order of Istari - The Istari are one of the oldest rank 10 kinships on the server, with a kinship house located in the beautiful neighbourhood of the Shire, complete with the obligatory and much-used Moria Keg. Currently led by Curlew, the Istari are a fun and personable kin whose players actively contribute to the friendly and relaxed atmosphere. New players are supported with advice, quest help and equipment as required, whilst more experienced players can participate in the famous Thursday kin run. We make a point of not recruiting ingame, so if players are interested in joining the Istari, they should approach one of the officers themselves. This helps to ensure that every member who joins us is guaranteed to integrate with and enjoy the unique ethos of the Istari.
  • Ray of Light Are a friendly helpfull kinship, we aim to help you level and have a great deal of fun ingame, we also help all members level and quest etc. Visit the Ray of light link for the rules. Contact Rangers, Tazran, Balidin ingame and have a chat. Thanks for looking.
  • Redux Redux is a Rank 10 kinship with a very large player base.Just about one year old and always recruiting.Website has full Lotro functionality and we have our own Vent server.Casual raiding kinship and we regularly have low level nights.All players welcome of any class and level,including ftp players.Leader = Teladi.
  • Rulers Of Westernesse - The Rulers Of Westernesse are a rank 9 kinship started on the basis of helping others and making friends. We are basically just there to help, there is no pressure to do anything you dont want to, we can cater to your needs. We dont have any level or class requirements and all players will be treated equally. We have a large player base covering all levels. We have our own kinhouse and teamspeak as well as a website complete with forums. For more information check out our website.
  • Sons of Middle Earth – Founded on December 2010, this is a very friendly kinship formed with people with the only requisite of wanting to have fun. Leaders: Liarian and Mesonewb
  • The Six Six Six Shadow Lords - A level 10 kinship with raiding ability yet a focus on helpfulness and fun. The kinship has grand masters in all crafts, organizes raids, deed nights, PvMP incursions and other gaming events. Lower level players receive assistance in crucial quests, with equipment and with advice, though nobody will hold the players' hand all the time. Born from a gaming clan, it has grown into an active and mature entity in its own right. For more information please contact Sereena, Loken, Reapor or Thurinandir in-game.
  • Strijders van Lotro The Strijders van Lotro is an all dutch kinship. We have about 100 members and are an level 10 kinship and house. Foundation is layed by Theorod in september 2007. We help new members and have a lot of high levels to help. Priority is relaxed gaming and have fun. If you are dutch and new in the game or experience one you are all welcome. Contact in game with Theorod, Stonerond, or Theosi.
  • There is talk of Pie - There is talk of Pie is a new kinship, containing some of the most elite lotro players on Gilrain. It is lead by the Minstrel Alemir along with Thornthurin and Beornwym.
  • TRICKS & TRAPS - this much loved kin was originally developed for burglars, hunters. wardens and the now discontinued Beorning class, but we could not say no to other friendly players. The kin has players of all ages and lets members get on with gaming, coming together in times of need ! We are currently Rank 11 and our kin house is in Bree. We were originally founded by Finbard Fishyfingers who accidentally deleted himself after being the first character to reach level 76. He had famously previously defeated Draigolach solo. We are also one of the oldest kins having been founded before Tolkien was born ! Only honest people with a love of the truth are should join this kin:- those who join will receive a free Silmaril pocket item. (We're actually Rank 10 with a few active but friendly players - the rest is gospel!)
  • The Twilight Gathering - We are a kinship started in 2007, rank 10. Presently indulging in general chit chat, working with our members to enjoy the game - be it through general questing amongst all levels, instances, raiding, a bit of PVMP (On both sides). Most of our members are at the cap level, and are of a mature and yet friendly nature - basically we are in it for the fun of the game, rather than too much emphasis on the glory :)
  • Undying Souls - The Undying Souls are a rank 10 kinship formed in 2007 by players having the undying title (not retreated till level 20th). We have kinhouse and forum, but due to this membership requirement (getting the undying title was more difficult in the first year of the game than nowadays), and since we are not recruiting actively, the kinship is quite small. We are very helpful and have lots of fun together, and now we try to develop alliance with other kins to be able to take part in raids successfully.
  • Velvet Glove Iron Fist - New Kinship, created 2007 September by the founder Goddessa and other ex members of 'Rage Against the Machine'
  • Wardens of Justice - We've been around for a short time, but we have members of all levels, classes and races. We're a helpful community, aimed at enjoying the game with all that it has to offer. we have people that are supreme crafters in all traits, and you can pretty much find us all over middle-earth. if you want to join us, there is usually at least one officer around, so just send a tell to someone.
  • Warriors of the Valar - The Warriors of the Valar are a rapidly expanding Rank 6 kinship on Gilrain. We are dedicated to enjoying the rich environment of LOTRO to the fullest extent whilst contributing to the friendly and relaxed atmosphere of the kin. The kin currently enjoys a huge diversity of level, class and nationality, and we hope to get to know more like-minded players as we progress and help each other through the game. We have just begun participating in some of the SoA endgame instances, such as Carn Dum and Urugarth, and we plan to forge our way into Moria very soon. Feel free to send a tell to Sheldred, Galendir or Revaric if you would like to join or learn more about WotV.
  • “We Once Were Kings”– A newly formed Kin (Nov 2008) but made up of many high level players who wanted to form a Kin dedicated to having fun and enjoying life in Middle Earth. We have an active and growing membership which aims to help with Crafting (SGM in all classes) Book Runs, Quests and Raids. The Kin house is in Bree but we welcome all races and levels to the Kin all we ask is that you lend a hand to fellow Kinnes and are relaxed and friendly. (Contact Aelfwulf or Leafeater)