Rakothúrz, Horm's Handler

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For the half-orc in Eregion, see Rakothûrz
Rakothúrz, Horm's Handler
Level: 45
Region: Misty Mountains
Instance: Goblin-town Throne Room

Type: Elite
Genus: Orc-kind
Species: Goblin

Morale: 4,498
Power: 695
Advanced Stats


Rakothúrz can be found in the pit of the Goblin-town Throne Room, in the Misty Mountains. [21.8S, 6.2E].

Quest Involvement


Rakothúrz will activate after Horm, The Pit Beast has been defeated. He is susceptible to light, and, to a lesser degree, fire and beleriand damage.


"How could you! You killed Horm!"