Quest:Wolfscomb's Bow

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Wolfscomb's Bow
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Hal Wolfscomb
Starts at Stonecrop Encampment
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [54.3S, 40.2W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hello there. My name is Hal Wolfscomb, and I travelled down from Bree with this company as their hunter. It’s my job to keep us supplied with fresh meat, but when the Orcs attacked they stole my bow. I could make a new one, but this land was stripped of its trees long ago, and besides it would take far too long. I heard you are going into the ruins. When you do, will you look for my bow?'


Hal Wolfscomb came to Tharbad with the task of feeding Stonecrop's party, but without his bow, this hunter is unable to complete his duty.

Objective 1

  • Retrieve Hal's stolen bow

Hal Wolfscomb has asked you to retrieve his bow, which was stolen by Orcs.

The Orc who stole Hal's bow is at Tharbad, in Cardolan.

This Orc had Hal's bow!

Objective 2

You should bring the stolen bow back to Hal Wolfscomb.

Hal is at camp in northern Tharbad in Cardolan.

Hal Wolfscomb: 'My bow! You found it! Now I can get back to my job of feeding these fine folk.'