Quest:Wolf-men from the North
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Level | 36 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Lithuifin |
Starts at | The Eavespires |
Start Region | Evendim |
Map Ref | [6.1S, 72.0W] |
Quest Group | Evendim |
Quest Chain |
Prerequisites: Completed the quest Friends at the Eavespires
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'So, Longbough has sensed that the Even-rills are threatened? He has never been wrong, so even though I have not seen what he feels, I trust this threat to be real. 'The enemy is likely the Gauredain, Men from the North, the cold wastes of Forochel. They dabble in dark alchemy and evil magic, things that turn nature into abominations. 'Clear out the camp they have at the Even-rills. If even a few remain, then more will come.' BackgroundThe Even-rills are a series of pools and waterfalls that meltwater from Forochel runs through before entering the lake of Evendim. Objective 1
The Even-rills are north-east of the Eavespires. Lithuifin asked you to head to the Even-rills and defeat the Gauredain there. Objective 2
Lithuifin is at the Eavespires, south-west of the Even-rills. Lithuifin will want to hear the Guaredain have been driven out of the Even-rills.