Quest:Warband: Shataz

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Warbnd: Shataz
Level 100
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Shataz
Starts at Lebennin
Start Region Lebennin
Map Ref [83.2S, 36.4W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Lebennin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Patrolling the roadway outside the encampment of Hata Kebir, Shataz and his warband serve as guards of the Haradrim and executioners of bold warriors that would dare to stray too close to their holdings in Lebennin.

You should defeat Shataz and his warband to weaken the defences of Hata Kebir and for the good of the people of Aerthir.


Shataz and his brutal guard of half-trolls stalk the fields near Pelargir, aiding in securing the city for the Heirs of Castamir.

Objective 1

Shataz can be found to the north of the Corsair encampment of Hata Kebir.

You have encountered the brutal half-troll, Shataz, and should defeat him.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated Shataz and his warband.

Shataz and his brutal warband shall trouble the people of Lebennin no longer. You have done well to weaken the defences of Hata Kebir and protect the people of Aerthir and Ost Anglebed.