Quest:Trouble With Tomb-robbers

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Trouble With Tomb-robbers
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Enid Nettlesting
Starts at Trader's Wharf
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [21.4S, 61.4W]
Quest Group Wildwood: League of the Axe
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>, I have an official League task for you. We're worried about a group of ruffians who have recently come to the Wildwood from nearby Evendim. They have been spotted north, along the Brandywine River. Their purpose here in the Wildwood remains a mystery.

'I'm asking of you to seek out these ruffians, learn why they are here, and drive them out of the Wildwood. They have no claim upon this forest!'


The League of the Axe has spotted a group of ruffians camped upon the shores of the Wildwood and fear for the safety of Trader's Wharf.

Objective 1

  • Find the ruffians' campsite

The ruffians' campsite can be found north of Trader's Wharf.

You should find the ruffians' campsite on the shores of the Wildwood.

To your luck, the campsite is currently unattended

Objective 2

  • Destroy the ruffians' campsite (0/2)

The ruffians' campsite can be found north of Trader's Wharf.

You should destroy the ruffians' campsite.

Objective 3

  • Destroy the ruffians' campfire
  • Wait for someone to return

The ruffians' campsite can be found north of Trader's Wharf.

You should destroy the ruffians' campsite.

As you start to put out the flames, someone approaches!
Hardened Tomb-robber says, "Hey you!"
The tomb-robber gives up the fight!

Objective 4

  • Interrogate the tomb-robber

The ruffians' campsite can be found north of Trader's Wharf.

You should talk to the tomb-robber at the ruffians' campsite.

Tomb-robber: 'Who do you think you are, wrecking my camp?!'
You assure the tomb-robber that you are the one asking questions here.
'I'm not here looking to chop down trees or hunt boars, if that's what you're getting at! Ha, heard about the Forsaken Tomb? Didn't think so! That's what me and the boys are after. Couldn't tell you more, even if I wanted to. Don't even know where the Forsaken Tomb even is! Bah, I told the boss this venture would be worthless!
'Now get out of here and leave me be!'
The tomb-robber isn't going to be any more helpful. If he is telling the truth, there are more tomb-robbers in the Wildwood.

Objective 5

Hardened tomb-robbers are wandering in the Wildwood.

You should defeat any hardened tomb-robbers that you find in the Wildwood.

Objective 6

  • Find the tomb-robbers' campsite in the Wildwood

The tomb-robbers' campsite can be found in the Wildwood.

You should find the tomb-robbers' campsite.

Whatever these tomb-robbers are looking for, they are not welcome in the Wildwood!

Objective 7

  • Defeat the lead tomb-robber

The tomb-robbers' campsite can be found in the Wildwood.

You should summon and defeat the lead tomb-robber.

The lead tomb-robber appears!
Tomb-robber Captain says, "What's going on here?!"
The leader of the tomb-robbers gives up the fight!

Objective 8

  • Interrogate the lead tomb-robber

The tomb-robber campsite can be found in the Wildwood.

You should talk to the lead tomb-robber.

The lead tomb-robber meets your eyes with a scowl.
Lead Tomb-robber: 'The Forsaken Tomb?! I've never heard of it! Why would I be looking for anything called Forsaken anyway?! After getting kicked out of Brychan the Bold's gang, I needed some easy pickings. The old ruins here don't have much, but they haven't been as plundered as those in Evendim, that's for sure!
'It turns out, things aren't so easy in the Wildwood after all. Thanks for nothing, <race>!'
The leader doesn't seem to know what the other tomb-robber was talking about. Perhaps more than one group of tomb-robbers have descended into the Wildwood.

Objective 9

Enid Nettlesting can be found at Trader's Wharf.

You should talk to Enid Nettlesting.

Enid Nettlesting: 'What have you to report? There might be multiple groups of tomb-robbers in the Wildwood? That is not great news, though I'm glad you were able to thwart one of the groups!
'Now what is this talk about a Forsaken Tomb, I wonder? I have spent a lot of time making sure the Wildwood was an ideal place for the League of the Axe to take root. In all my time, I never heard anything about a tomb here. I am sure I would have as I have stooped to dealing with a fair amount of ruffians in my past, and I'm not proud of it. Now I look ahead to better times, with honesty and prosperity for all in the League.'