Bestowal dialogue
We Brawlers have something of a reputation, <name>. Folk say where there's trouble, you're likely to find one of us making things worse! Well, I say that's unfair! Some of the time we make things better, don't we? We do!
'Whisper has reached my ears of just such an occurrence. There's a Man here in Bree who goes by the name Derwent Bindweed, and he's in a bit of a tight spot. Find him outside the Bree Jail and help him as you can. Seems to me his trouble could best be solved with a bit of skillful brawling, and mayhap you'll show the naysayers something of our true quality!
'You're bound to learn something, too, and what Brawler doesn't like a bit of extra oomph to go with every swing?'
Brawlers have a reputation throughout the lands of Middle-earth for always being in the thick of trouble, but sometimes they can prevent worse trouble simply by showing up.
Objective 1
Derwent Bindweed is somewhere outside the Bree Jail waiting for someone to help him with a tricky situation.
- Derwent Bindweed: 'Are you... here to help me? I have gotten myself into something of a tight spot and don't know how how to get out of it!
- 'You see, I have been working up at Thornley's Work Site for the past few weeks, and some unsavoury characters have been pressuring me to pay them a portion of my wages. I managed to put them off a few days, but if I don't do it soon I'm afraid they might come after my family! They demanded that I meet them at the old ruins in the southern part of town, after dark, and I don't know what to do!
- 'You look like you might be pretty good in a fight. Do you think you could come with me to the meeting, and maybe stand around and look serious? I don't want anyone to get hurt, but maybe the sight of you will convince them to leave me alone. What do you say?
Objective 2
- Talk to Derwent Bindweed and help him with his problem
Complete Instance: Threat of a Good Punch
Objective 3
Derwent Bindweed is outside the Bree Jail.
- Derwent Bindweed: 'I guess I was wrong, <name>. The threat of a good punch might sometimes be enough... but occasionally the punches themselves might be necessary too!
- 'Still, I think it might be time for my family to find a new home. I don't think Bill Ferny is likely to leave us alone, even with you nearby to knock some sense into his fellows! I'll tell Robb Thornley he'll need to find someone else. It might slow down progress at his work site, but there's nothing for it.
- 'Be sure to tell the dwarf I spoke with that he chose just the right Brawler to help me! I really appreciate it, <name>. Perhaps I will see you again.
Objective 4
- Brom Hawksbeard: 'You showed those ruffians not to tangle with a Brawler, did you? Ha! Serves them right, and may they remember it! Of course, if you hit them as hard as it sounds like you did, they might not remember the lesson at all...
- 'In any case, you made me proud, <name>! Take this reward and keep on preventing trouble... or causing it!