Quest:The Standing Stones of Tyrn Gorthad

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The Standing Stones of Tyrn Gorthad
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Hafren
Starts at Gerwyn's Convoy
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [37.6S, 49.8W]
Quest Group Cardolan
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'One of our scouts came back with reports of great circles of standing stones on the other side of the hill across the road.

'If you happen to find yourself among them, would you look out for a green-grey lichen that may be growing on their surfaces? It has healing powers, and it also slowly destroys the stones. Gently scrape it away and bring it back here for a reward!'


The standing stones of Tyrn Gorthad are covered with a slow-spreading lichen.

Objective 1

  • Collect lichen (0/8)

Hafren has asked you to collect lichen from standing stones.

Standing stones can be found in Tyrn Gorthad.

Collected lichen (8/8)

Objective 2

You should bring the lichen you collected to Hafren.

Hafren is at Gerwyn's convoy, in northern Cardolan.

Hafren: 'I thank you. You have helped to save the lives of my companions and lengthened the lives of the stones as well.'