Bestowal dialogue
'Judging by your outfit you must be a person of discerning taste. Perhaps you're the right person to help me! I'm in town visiting a friend. This'll be my first time being a guest in her home, and I'd like to bring a gift for her, a "mathom" as they say 'round these parts. Problem is, I can't decide what to give her. I'm petrified of giving a lackluster gift. Could I bother you to ask around town, see what folks think make for a good mathom?'
Tílsa Hardstep needs help choosing a gift.
Objective 1
Ask around Tighfield for opinions on what makes a good mathom.
- Frothard Took: 'What do I like in a mathom, you ask? The smaller the better! When you have as many friends and relations as I do, a lot of mathoms find their way into your home. I like to keep things tidy, so smaller mathoms mean they take up less space, which means I am less bothered!'
- Henepa Twistknot: 'What makes for a good mathom? Well, anything I suppose. If I receive a mathom I don't like, I simply pass it along to someone else! Personally, though, I like receiving a mathom suited to my hobbies. Best mathoms I ever received are a hammer, a bundle of cheesecloth, and a short sword.'
- ...
- 'For three separate hobbies, of course.
- 'Why do you ask? Are you offering? If so a new wooden spoon would be great. I lost my old one during what I choose to call a 'grain mashing incident'.'
- Postman Hartclover: 'Red. I like red things.'
Objective 2
Tílsa Hardstep can be found on the outskirts of Tighfield.
Return to Tílsa Hardstep.
- Tílsa Hardstep: 'Interesting... cooking utensils, small things, and things that are... red? A third of that information is very useful.
- 'You know my friend is a brewer, maybe a wooden spoon would make a good gift. Oh and you know what? I'm no stranger to whittling. Perhaps I could make it for her myself. Is it proper to whittle a wooden spoon? I suppose I'll find out!
- 'Thank you for helping me. I feel so relieved to have a direction to go in.'