Quest:The Fight for Carn Dûm (Daily)

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The Fight for Carn Dûm (Daily)
Level 140
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Muirál
Starts at Bail Avarc
Start Region Ephel Angren
Map Ref [70.3N, 28.1W]
Quest Group Return to Carn Dûm: The Battle for Angmar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hail, <name>.

'Are you here to join the fight against the Iron Crown? There are vile things afoot at Saint Lhoer, Thaurisgar, and within the depths of Sagroth. '

'If you aid us in hindering their efforts in Carn Dûm, we would welcome your aid.'

NOTE: To advance this quest, you must complete one of the following Carn Dûm instances on any group Size or difficulty Tier: 'Sant Lhoer, the Poison Gardens', Thaurisgar, the Vile Apoethecary', or 'Sagroth, Lair of Vermin'.


The Hill-men of Angmar and their allies work to oppose the remnants of the Iron Crown who dwell again within the walls of Carn Dûm.

Objective 1

You should aid the Hill-men of Angmar and work to oppose the Iron Crown in Carn Dûm.

NOTE: To advance this quest, you must complete one of the following Carn Dûm instances on any group Size or difficulty Tier: 'Sant Lhoer, the Poison Gardens', Thaurisgar, the Vile Apoethecary', or 'Sagroth, Lair of Vermin'.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Muirál at Bail Avarc

Muirál can be found at Bail Avarc in Angmar. You have done much to aid those opposing the Iron Crown at Carn Dûm. You should talk to Muirál.

Muirál: 'You have my thanks, <name>.'
'If we continue to fight against the Iron Crown, it will not be long before we overcome them!'

NOTE: Bail Avarc can initially only be accessed via stable-master routes. Bail Avarc can be reached via the stable-masters at Esteldín, Gath Forthnír, and the stables of Rivendell.