Quest:The Crows of Iáphel

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The Crows of Iáphel
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Miruhir
Starts at Iáphel
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [60.0S, 94.1W]
Ends with Miruhir
Ends at Iáphel
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [60.0S, 94.1W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have a sickle-fly problem and a bird problem. You would think the birds would eat the sickle-flies for me, but no, that would be too convenient.

'The crows have seen fit to roost amongst the trellises along the western slope of the hill, just outside Iáphel's walls. Please shoo them away for me.'


Pesky birds are feasting on wine grapes in Iáphel.

Objective 1

  • Shoo birds (0/5)

Miruhir has asked you to shoo away birds that are eating valuable wine grapes at his vineyard in Iáphel.

Shoo away birds.

The bird seems to say 'Curse you! I wasn't done eating!'
The bird flies away, forlorn and distraught
You are confident that birds cannot cry, but this bird sounds like it is crying
The bird swears vengeance with a sharp cry. 'You have won this day, but my revenge shall be terrible.'
The bird seems to say, 'Drive me off, I care not. My belly is full. I have already won.'

Objective 2

You should tell Miruhir that you have shooed the birds away.

Miruhir can be found in Iáphel.

Miruhir: 'I know they will be back tomorrow, but thank you all the same.'