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Quest:The Captains of Mornaur Lookout

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The Captains of Mornaur Lookout
Level 115
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Bounty Board
Starts at Allegiance Hall or Udûn Foothold
Start Region Udûn
Map Ref [41.3S, 0.6W]
Ends with Auto-complete
End Region Udûn
Quest Group Udûn Allegiance
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A scouting report hangs from the board, signed by Barathron:

'A dangerous Uruk, Shárdul, commands the Orcs at the Mornaur Lookout. An adventurer is needed to defeat him and the Captains under his command.'


Dangerous Orkish Captains lead Ugrukhôr's forces at the Mornaur Lookout.

Objective 1

Shárdul and his Captains can be found at the Mornaur Lookout.

You should defeat Shárdul and Mordor Captains.

Defeat Mordor Captains (5/5)
Defeated Captain Shárdul (5/5)