Quest:Temple of Utug-bûr: Thûr Hin -- Tier 2

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Temple of Utug-bûr: Thûr Hin -- Tier 2
Level 150
Type Raid
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Auto-bestowed
Starts at The Temple of Utug-bûr
Start Region Urash Dâr
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Temple of Utug-bûr: Thûr Hin

"As you enter Thûr Hin, the Lair of the Children, the smell hits you. Dust and copper, like blood in your mouth. A dozen wars were born here, along with thousands of soldiers. In the distance, you can hear two Utûgi arguing amongst themselves, their voices echoing through the musty hall."


As you enter Thûr Hin, the Lair of the Children, the smell hits you. Dust and copper, like blood in your mouth. A dozen wars were born here, along with thousands of soldiers. In the distance, you can hear two Utûgi arguing amongst themselves, their voices echoing through the musty hall.

Objective 1

  • Investigate deeper into Thûr Hin, Lair of the Children
  • Legolas must not falter

Investigate Thûr Hin and seek out the two Utûgi ahead.

Legolas says, "These Orcs are formidable, older and larger than any I've yet seen."
Legolas says, "Nevertheless, we must say to them:"
Legolas says, "If it's a fight you want, you shall have it!"

Objective 2

Listen to Khablag and Daikhag.

Khablag says, "Trespassers."
Daikhag says, "Skin and bones, they are. Not worth cooking, barely worth fighting."
Khablag says, "Kormoltur was asking after you."
Daikhag says, "What does he want? Always spoiling my fun."
Daikhag says, "I trust you can handle these whelps, brother?"
Khablag says, "Oh, yes. They'll be my entertainment for the day, paltry as they are."
Khablag says, "Try not to die too quickly, small ones."

Objective 3

  • Defeat Khablag
  • Legolas must not falter

Defeat Khablag.

Khablag says, "Feel my hammer!"
Khablag says, "Let the fire spread!"
Khablag says, "You cannot dodge my blade!"
Khablag says, "I'm done with this one!"
Khablag says, "Next victim!"
With a groan Khablag collapses, broken, to the ground

Objective 4

  • Listen to Khablag and Legolas

Listen to Khablag and Legolas.

Legolas says, "Any last words, Orc?"
Khablag says, "Shblug..."
Legolas says, "What was that?"
Legolas says, "Augh..."
Khablag says, "I said, 'don't misjudge your enemy', Elf."
Khablag says, "I curse this ground on which you walk."
Defeated Khablag

Objective 5

  • Heal Legolas!
  • Legolas must not falter
  • All Elven Menders must not falter

Heal Legolas.

Elven Mender says, "Receive our blessing!"
Elven Mender says, "Nature's blessings upon you."
Elven Mender says, "Draw near and be healed!"
Elven Mender says, "Come close and be restored."
Elven Mender says, "My strength fails me!"
Elven Mender says, "I must rest a moment!"

Objective 6

  • Heal Legolas and fend off Daikhag
  • Legolas must not falter
  • All Elven Menders must not falter

Heal Legolas and fend off Daikhag.

Daikhag says, "Nooo! My brother - for every drop of blood spilled you will be avenged tenfold."
Daikhag says, "You will all now know the pain of my axe."
Daikhag says, "Feel my axe!"
Daikhag says, "Rage consume me!"
Daikhag says, "Get away from me!"
Daikhag says, "Away with you!"

Objective 7

  • Defeat Daikhag

Defeat Daikhag.

Legolas says, "Your healing is powerful stuff indeed. I feel much better."
Legolas says, "Let's show these Orcs how keen our blades are!"
Defeated Daikhag

Objective 8

  • Press deeper into Thûr Hin

Press deeper into Thûr Hin.

Legolas says, "I must thank you. You saved my life. That is no small thing."
Legolas says, "But there is no time to celebrate, I'm afraid."
Legolas says, "We must pursue Azagath and more danger awaits us both, I am sure."
Legolas says, "We will continue on the western path, you should hue to the east."
Legolas says, "We will meet in the end, I am sure of it."

Objective 9

Listen to Kormoltur, Lord of Terror.

As you enter, you see a lone figure on a commanding throne
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "What toys are these, that come into my throne room. Such small, weak things."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Do you even know what I am? I am old beyond years, and more powerful than you can dream."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Let us see you then, with your little sticks of metal. Do your worst."

Objective 10

  • Attack Kormoltur

Attack Kormoltur.

Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Oh this will not do at all for sport. I'm afraid I must help you, in order to make this interesting."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Receive my blessing, though you are unworthy of it."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Play with my Utûgi. Let's see how you do."

Objective 11

  • Defeat the Utûgi

Defeat the Utûgi.

Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "You could barely handle two of my lesser Utûgi. I'm afraid that won't do."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Receive my next blessing, and play with my greater Utûgi."

Objective 12

  • Defeat Kormoltur, Lord of Terror

Defeat Kormoltur, Lord of Terror.

Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Now, time for a bit of fun. Unfortunately, you still aren't much of a challenge as you are."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Receive my final blessing, though you are unworthy of it."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "Now you will face me!"
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "I whisper, and your blood boils."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "I whisper, and your heart is pierced."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "I only grow stronger."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "You cannot match my strength."
Kormoltur, Lord of Terror says, "I whisper, and your hatred betrays you."
Defeated Kormoltur, Lord of Terror
Temple of Utug-bûr: Thûr Hin -- Tier 2