Quest:Simple Leathers, Nothing More

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Simple Leathers, Nothing More
Level 149
Type Solo
Starts with Abido
Starts at Hunter's Expedition Camp
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [23.3S, 94.8W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Chain Hunter's Expedition Camp
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'When hunting the wild hogs of the eastern Cape of Umbar, we are cautious to leave little waste. The hides of the wild hogs, as an example, can be used to outfit our populace, make satchels or packs and much more. My patrons request that I oversee the collection of a good number of these hides. If you are willing to assist then there is payment to be made.'


Hides collected from the wild hogs strewn throughout the eastern stretches of the Cape of Umbar can be turned into simple leathers used for clothing and more. You were asked to help in the collection of these hides.

Objective 1

  • Collect wild hog hides (0/10)

You will find wild hogs throughout the crags and moors of the eastern Cape of Umbar. Kill them and collect their hides for Abido.

Abido: 'While hunting the wild hogs throughout the eastern areas of the Cape of Umbar, be certain to collect their hides for me. My patron will pay for meeting a quote of ten.'
Collected wild hog hides (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Deliver the hog hides to Abido at the hunter's expedition
  • 10 Wild Hog Hides

You will find wild hogs throughout the crags and moors of the eastern Cape of Umbar. Kill them and collect their hides for Abido.

Abido: 'A simple request fulfilled. You are proving very capable and prompt. Perhaps we could convince you to stay with us and assist us beyond a day or two?' He laughs.
'No, I know well the call of adventure and would not wish this style of life on you, friend.'