Quest:Seashells by the Seashore

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Seashells by the Seashore
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Meligrien
Starts at Linhir
Start Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [82.3S, 45.3W]
Ends with Meligrien
Ends at Linhir
End Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [82.3S, 45.3W]
Quest Group Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Hello, friend. May I ask you for a small favour? My son is supposed to be helping me with some chores, but he's nowhere to be found. I suspect he's gone to the beach again, along the coast south of town. Could you tell him his mother is worried about him and that he should come home? His name is Celethon.'


Meligrien would like for you to check on her child near the beach along Linhir's southern coast.

Objective 1

Meligrien has asked you to look for her child, Celethon. She suspects he can be found by the beach near Linhir.

Talk to Celethon.

Celethon: 'Mother worries too much. I'm old enough to be on my own!
'What am I doing here? I need to collect some seashells for... reasons. If you help me find some, I'll go home sooner rather than later.'
You agree to help.
'Hooray! In addition to a few normal shells, could you find some unique ones, too?'

Objective 2

Celethon asked you to help them collect seashells by the seashore.

Collect seashells on the beach near Linhir.

This seashell seems sufficiently vibrant
This seashell seems sufficiently pearlescent
This seashell seems to be prettier than others, though whether it counts as 'double-pretty' remains to be seen

Objective 3

  • Talk to Celethon

You have collected enough seashells.

Talk to Celethon on the beach near Linhir.

Celethon: Celethon examines each shell with what appears to be a jeweller's loupe before tucking them in his pockets.
'The shells aren't for me, they're for my mum.
'Every summer, Miss Túrith would make a necklace out of shells and give it to my mom, but Miss Túrith still hasn't come home from the war. Mum's really sad about it, so I want to try making one instead.
'I promise I'll come home soon. Please don't tell my mum what I'm doing here. I want it to be a secret.'

Objective 4

You have secured a promise from Celethon to return home. It's time to tell Meligrien.

Talk to Meligrien in Linhir.

Meligrien: 'Let me guess, he was collecting seashells again? He's been at it for days. He thinks I don't notice the growing pile hidden in his room.'
Sadness creeps into her voice.
'Did he tell you about Túrith? It took so long for him to warm up to her after his father passed, but now he can't imagine a world without her. Neither can I.
'She left to join the fighting at Minas Tirith. She still hasn't come home. I begin to worry she never may, and I think he fears the same.'
She sighs and takes a moment to gather herself.
'I should talk to him about this.
'Thank you, adventurer, for your help.'